39. Little Minx

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I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, running one hand through his damp hair. Maddox looked down at me with smouldering eyes, his arms tightening around my waist. Feeling an intense desire to tease him and get revenge for the way he made me submit to him earlier, I nuzzled my face against his chest, inhaling the scent of his freshly showered body. Then I moved one hand from his neck and slowly traced the muscles of his torso. I heard him exhale loudly, his breathing becoming slightly quicker.

"Hm, what happened to no need to rush it?" I said and pressed a kiss to his perfect chest, feeling increasingly proud when I felt a low groan reverberate through him.

"Well, seeing how you complained yesterday and followed me into my room after I showered, somehow I feel like I'm not the one wanting to rush it," Maddox retorted, a smirk playing on his lips. "Besides, I'm only human. It's very hard to resist when the girl I'm in love with looks at me like that."

That little self-satisfied smirk on his face was driving me mad. He was so not going to win this time. Two could play at this game.

"Oh?" I said innocently, "And how was I looking at you?" Slowly, I shimmied my hips a little, making sure he could feel the motion. He clicked his tongue, and I could see on his face that I was definitely pushing the right buttons.

Oh, it wasn't a button you were pushing....

Maddox lifted one hand from my hips and buried it into my hair. "Like I was your favorite flavor of ice cream." His voice was low and hoarse, more desperate than I'd ever heard it.

I tilted my head to the side, and pursed my lips, "No, I'm pretty sure that's cookie dough."

The noise he let out could only be described as a growl, before his hands lowered to hook under my butt and he lifted me into his arms easily. I yelped in surprise, my palms resting on his nape, a huge smile popping up on my lips at my clear victory.

"Were you always secretly such a minx?" he muttered, narrowing his eyes as he looked up at me.

Chuckling, I pulled his head slightly back by tugging on his hair. "Who knows?" I answered, pressing my lips against his.


Just as he turned and started carrying me to his bed, realization hit me. I needed to come clean to him.

"Ah, before um, that, I need to tell you something." I stammered awkwardly, and Maddox tilted his head, likely confused by the sudden shift in mood. He slowly lowered me back down onto the ground, still keeping his arms around me, and nodded for me to continue.

"So, don't freak out because I do want this but," It felt best to start that way considering how careful he seemed to be about certain stuff, "When we played that game and you asked when the last time I had sex was, I may have exaggarated a bit."

Maddox frowned and cupped my face, "Exaggerated how?"

"Exaggerated in the sense that the last time I had sex was never." He blinked a few times as if processing what I was saying. "I've never had sex," I repeated for clarity and watched his chest rise and fall a few times before he spoke.

"In that case, maybe we should—" he started, and slowly pried himself away from me.

"No!" I protested, pulling him back against me. "That's the one thing I didn't want to happen when I told you. I want it to be with you and now, I just didn't want it to be built on a hill of lies." And that was the honest truth. I'd been ready to lose my virginity for years, I just never found anyone I really wanted to lose it with, until now.

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