Author's Note

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EDIT: So I'm keeping my old Author's Note below because it's nostalgic... It's the first one I've ever written, and it's really nice to be able to look back. BUT I also want to give you some info if you're planning to read this book.


I really really really appreciate and love all of you that have purchased this book while it was in the Paid program. Having the chance to earn some money from my book was... an experience I never knew I would have. Your support means the world! I wish I knew all of your names so I could thank you personally, but since I don't: THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Hey guys! First of all, thank you SO much for picking up this fluffy, hopefully funny, read. 

This is still the first draft of the story, and even though I've been through it already, I still find some mistakes. I don't know how that happens, but there we go. 🥲

Honestly, I do have an edited version of this book offline, but I've been avoiding uploading it because I absolutely love reading all the in-line comments and it breaks my heart when I lose them so it's been a struggle between wanting to have a very proofread/edited story on here and wanting to have all your lovely in-line comments... send help, please. 😭😭😭

Also, if you're enjoying the story a vote ⭐ or comment always means SO much to me. ❤️ (but so do my lovely silent readers so, ultimately, you do you lovely!)

Now onto the story:

I am drawing inspiration from the current pandemic and Covid-19 worldwide crisis. I am NOT actually writing about the current pandemic and the events are purely fictional. As this story is not true to life, I will include a different approach to handling the pandemic -- one where there were enough safety masks and other products, and where the government actually handed the people all they need in order to protect themselves without extra cost. (ya know, tax-payers-money going to good use and all). It's a fictional situation, that I thought of based on a variety of things that happened during our coronavirus pandemic. (ex. in Germany police was going door-to-door to test the blood of residents to covid-19)

I'm writing this because, much like for most of the planet, these last few months have been filled with anxiety and depression. I needed something fictional and happy to take my mind of it, so when I came up with this idea it was exactly what the doctor ordered. 

This is a romantic comedy. While there will be some sadder moments, because of course, it's a pandemic, it's not the focus of my story. I'm sure there will be plenty of stories here with that kind of vibe if that's what you're looking for! 

I'll update this occasionally if there's something important to say.

Again, thank you so much for giving this book a try, and I hope you'll enjoy it! Just an extra note about the plot: there's heavy character development so just because someone's being an ass doesn't mean they stay that way and the story is a slow burn romance but with cute, fluffy, funny moments throughout. 

WARNING: This book contains some mature language and discussions of loss.

STARTED: April 16th, 2020.

COMPLETED: September 22nd, 2020.

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