26. Day Eight

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I was actually going to do this.

"What is it?" He stared at me in mild confusion, clearly not picking up on my newfound determination.

It was like an uncontrollable impulse kept growing inside of me. The voice that was usually there in my head, keeping me from reacting to these instincts was nowhere in sight. In fact, there was a new voice there now, urging me to...

Kiss him! Look at those juicy lips, you know you want to taste them! Just. Kiss. Him!

I got up from the couch and stood in front of him, our bodies almost pressed together. He raised an eyebrow, cocking his head to the side. For someone who had been so good at reading my mind recently, he was failing epicly in that moment. Grabbing his shoulders with my hands, I lifted myself toward him and saw realization flash through his expression.

"Hey, whoa, Aimee." His Adam's apple bobbed visibly and he put his hands on my shoulders, keeping me from coming any closer, "You're drunk."

I clicked my tongue impatiently, "I'm not drunk!" I was so close to those lips, my eyes were unable to focus on anything else.

He swallowed hard again, giving me a disbelieving look. It was obvious he was far from convinced of my sobriety. Why was he acting like such a gentleman at a time like this?

Exhaling in annoyance, I snaked one hand around his neck and felt him shudder, "Look, I'm drunk enough to want to do this but not drunk enough to not know what I'm doing." I knew now without a shadow of a doubt that liquid courage was a real thing.

"And you won't regret it?" There was a mixture of eagerness and scepticism in his voice. It became obvious that he was using every ounce of his resolve to resist me. Considering he was definitely more drunk than I was that in itself was impressive.

"No!" I basically screamed at him.

Maddox searched my face as if he still couldn't believe I was being serious. Then his eyes dropped to my mouth and desire flashed through his eyes with an intensity that made me shiver. He inhaled sharply and licked his lips, his hands moving from my shoulder to my neck. One hand touched the side of my face, his thumb caressing my cheek.

Oh God, just kiss me!

And then I saw his resolve shatter to pieces right in front of my eyes.

His thumb lifted my chin ever so slightly and the other arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me against him. He lowered his head and I felt his breath against my skin. A hazy memory of a dream spun through my mind but was gone within a second. With his lips an inch away from mine, reality seemed so much better.

Maddox pressed his lips against mine gently, like he was afraid I would disappear if he wasn't careful enough. The kiss was restrained, soft, warm... too timid for the wave of desire it instigated within me.

Taking advantage of my temporary burst of confidence, I licked his bottom lip.

A groan reverberated through him and then the kiss became anything but timid.

Our breaths mingled, and his grip on me became more desperate, as if he couldn't get me close enough. His tongue brushed against mine in a maddening way, a way that ensured he was dominating all of my senses. That I was so consumed in this kiss, I forgot oxygen even existed. It felt like he was making a statement, a claim. Almost like he was trying to prove a point and say what words couldn't: please be mine. A point I was far too gone to actually comprehend beyond just a fleeting realization.

His teeth grazed my bottom lip and I shivered in delight at the sensation, a small whimper leaving me. I felt him smile into the kiss, satisfied with my reaction, and his hand curled around my hair. I don't know how long we kissed but I had no desire to stop.

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