21. Romantic Comedy

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It was official. I was becoming way to aware of him before, but now? This was unbearable. I noticed everything

The way he looked, the way he spoke, even the way he smelled, which by the way was a musky pine. How the hell someone smells like musky pine in the middle of New York City was beyond me, but hey, he was clearly some freak of nature.

And then there was that chuckle. That cursed chuckle that did something to me, something I was adamantly against.

My body was reacting to him. I couldn't deny that, I was smart enough to know my own body. But, I'd decided days ago that there was no way I was going to cave into those primal instincts. These hormones, filling me up with wild ideas that had no place in the real world. I was better than that and this wasn't some romantic comedy. This was real life and there was nothing real between us, just quarantine attraction. I only had to survive another fifteen days without doing anything monumentally stupid.

Throwing myself on the couch, I grabbed my phone just as a text message came in.


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Heeeey, girl. Everything okay?


Lunaaa, hi! Yeah, all good here.


uh why?


i mean, how to put this


i think all of our neighbors now know that Maddox is an asshole 🤭


Haha, oh my god! I knew it.


well, i mean, kinda his own fault...


but like.... what happened????


sorry I know that's not my business but....


girl, i already binged every reality show on Netflix


I NEED some drama, so plzzz spill the tea


sorry to disappoint, but it was very anticlimactic


I opened the door and pretended we were hooking up


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