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i then heard a knock on the door, i opened it and it was Camila. i let her in and she sat on the bed.

"soo how was the party" i asked her

"idk i left the party like super early" she said

"oh, why? or better who?" i said sitting next to her

"yk who" she smiled

"humm so y'all are like a thing now?" i asked

"kind of" she laughed

"alr alr" i laughed

"so u went to a diff party?" she asked me

"yea with Gabb" i smiled

"Gabb the one that was ur neighbor?" she asked

"yea he's cool" i said

"and how was it?" she asked

"well i got super drunk, and i met some mc's" i said

"mc paiva??" she said

"yup and some others" i laughed

"REALLY?? he's like my favorite mc in the world" she said

"yes cool, oh and i also met mc pipokinha" i said

"pipokinha damn is she mean?" she asked

"no she's like really nice" i said

-Richarlison's pov-

i parked my car and started walking towards a store. i looked up and read the sign, Florist, i made my way into the store and stopping at the counter.

"hii, how can i help you" an old lady asked me

"i uh i need flowers" i said confused, i've never bought flowers for anyone

"you don't know what ur doing do you?" she asked

"no" i nervously laughed

"i'll help you then" she smiled

she opened this door thingy on the counter.

"come on in" she smiled

i followed her to this room on the back that was filled with different flowers of all colors.

"so did she tell you anything in specific?" the lady said

"she likes tulips" i smiled

"i'll see what i can do. oh and would you like a card with that?" the lady said

"yes please" i said

"here, you can write it in there" she gave me the card and pointed at a table

"thank you" i said and made my way to the table and stared writing

i finished writing and looked up trying to find the lady, i saw her coming in my direction.

"i see your all done" she said

"yea" i smiled

"then follow me to the main counter" she said getting up

"here" i gave her the card i wrote

"thank you"

after following her to the main counter she showed me the flowers carefully placing the card in its place.

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