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-Vicky's pov-

i don't even know what time it is at this point, everyone and everything is spinning aground. maybe i shouldn't have been drinking that much but oh well now it's too late, i was dancing when someone grabbed me by my waist.

"hey!" i said turning around

"it's me ma" Richarlison said

"oh hey" i gave him a kiss

"u ok?" he asked me

"idk, but yk what i am?" i said

"what?" he smiled

"horny" i said laughing

"i'll take care of it then" Richarlison picked me up and went upstairs to the restricted area

"sorry but this area is only for mc's" the security guard said

"here" Richarlison said giving him some cash

"enjoy!" the guard said

we went upstairs and he put me down on the bed, i pulled him closer and we stared making out. he took off my dress leaving me in my underwear , i also took of his shirt. but then we heard loud noises and gunshots.

we both got up as fast as we could and before we could get dressed an officer opened the door.

"m'am please step out of the room with both ur hands behind your back" he said

i looked at Richarlison and started walking out of the room.

"is this ur room?" the officer said

"no, we went to the party and the guard let us come up" i said

"m'am have been drinking or using any substances?" he asked

"i've been drinking but i didn't take any substances" i said

"ok, do you know that man?" he asked

"yes, he's my boyfriend" i said

"m'am please follow my college to that room" he said pointing at a lady

"could i possibly grab my clothes?" i asked

"no" he said

i was now following the lady, why does this shit has to happen to me, i just wanted to have sex. but nooo the cops needed to come here.

"please get inside this room" the lady said

i got inside and saw Camila with two other female officers.

"bitch why u half naked" she laughed

"they didn't let me dress up" i said

"maybe cus they were enjoying the view" she laughed

"can u two shut it please" one officer said

"is there anyway i can get something to dress?" i asked

"idk but probably not" the officer said

"alr ladies, i'm officer Sofia that is officer Milena and we're gonna ask u some questions and test u for narcotics" Sofia said

"u come here" Milena said pointing at Camila

"ok" she said and got up

"ok so what's ur name?" Sofia said

"Victória" i said

"ok Victória, how old are u? and how did u ended up in this party?" she asked me

"i'm 24 and i was invited by a friend, he told me if i wanted to bring more people i could so i came with a couple other friends" i said

"and what's that friend called?" she said

"Gabriel, Gabriel Torres but everyone calls him Gabb" i said

"so he's the only person u know here?" she asked

" ik a couple of other people that Gabb introduced me to i said"

"ok, ur Brazilian right?" she said

"yes but i live in england" i said

"humm ok, well since u don't know half of the people there i'm gonna let u go, please go next to Milena so that she can test u" she said

"ok, thank u" i smiled at her and got up

i went to where Camila was, she was talking to Milena when Camila saw me she smiled and got up.

"good luck cus she's mean" Camila whispered in my ear

"oh god" i said

"m'am please take a seat" Milena said

i sat down and she took my arm.

"aren't u gonna do the breath analyzer thingy?" i asked

she didn't answer and grabbed some alcohol and a cotton pad.

"hello?" i said

she still didn't answer, istg she was getting on my nerves so i decided to annoy her more.

"i'm scared of needles, oh i should tell u why! so when i was little i-" i stared

"can u keep quiet" she said

"oh so u can talk after all" i smiled

"m'am im just trying to do my job" she said

"there's no need to be rude" i smiled

"look, i just need to collect some blood and test ur breath so please cooperate" she said grabbing the needle

"ugh whatever idc" i said giving up

"were u being fr abt the fear of needles?" she asked

"yes, and i faint sometimes" i said

"ok then lay back" she said

~Time skip~

after they were done with whatever it was we were sent to another room. they told us we had to wait a bit, i tried talking to the other officers bc i was still wearing my underwear and they gave me a jacket. Me and Camila were almost falling asleep on each other's shoulders when someone entered the room. we both looked up and saw Richarlison.

"hey" he said sitting next to me

"hii" i said smiling at him

"hey" Camila said sleepy

"they didn't gave u ur clothes back??" he asked looking at me

"no, like i tried talking to everyone and they don't give it to me" i said frustrated

"hold on a sec" he got up

i then saw him talking to a cop, i was a bit confused when the cop let him go out of the room. he shortly came back with my dress on his hand.

"here u go princess" he smiled

"thanks! but how? i literally talked to everyone i could" i said

"oh that's cus i have a friend that is working on this case i just explained to him what happened and he said i could go get ur dress" he smiled

"it's funny how u have friends anywhere" i said

"what can i say i'm a popular guy" he laughed

i finally got dressed and was now laying down on Richarlison's lap while Camila was sleeping in this wired position.

i'm back from vacation so i'll keep the uploads!!

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