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gabb picked up the phone rather quickly.

look who remembered i existed!

hii i'm sorry i didn't talk to you earlier but there's some things going on

oh do u wanna talk abt it?

actually yea  i need to talk to someone abt this

dress something nice but not to fancy we're going out to brunch

i will, and thanks Gabb i really appreciate what ur doing

no problem, now go get ready bc ik u take ages to

okok i will bye


i hung up and started looking for something to dress.

i then did my make up sprayed some perfume and i was all ready to go

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i then did my make up sprayed some perfume and i was all ready to go. i then got a text from Gabb saying he was outside waiting for me, i grabbed my purse and walked to the elevator.

i got in and pressed the ground floor button, the elevator stopped a couple of floors before the one a pressed. and when the elevator doors opened i wanted to run away, but i couldn't it was already to late. Richarlison entered the elevator and pressed the button to close the doors, i opened my purse and took out my airpods.

as i was abt to put one on my ear Richarlison softly touched my hand stopping me. i looked at him with a confused expression, and he just smiled at me.

"please don't touch me" i said still giving him a look

i watched as his smiled faded, he looked at me with a confused expression and started talking.

"look Vicky, ik i was stupid by going into ur room and-"

"i gtg" i cut him off as soon as the elevator doors opened

"vicky wait!" he grabbed my arm

"i already told u not to touch me, so let go or i will cause a scene" i said

he simply let go of my arm and i started walking to Gabb's car. i opened the door and got in, Gabb smiled at me and i kissed his cheek.

"so that was something" Gabb said

"yea and we should probably get going before he decides to come here" i said

"yea for sure!" Gabb started driving away from the hotel

Gabb drove us to the beach bc he wanted to take me to this new restaurant that had opened a few days ago. we both got out and started walking to the restaurant, surprisingly he had made a reservation so we had a table right away. we both sat down and grabbed our menus, i looked at it realizing that it was a sushi restaurant. my fav food of all time, i looked at Gabb and smiled.

"what?" he asked

"u brought me to a sushi place" i said smiling

"yea, isn't it ur fav food??" he looked at me confused

"yea, but i haven't had it since i came to Brazil" i said

"damn, i thought ur bf had already brought u" he said

"well he's not my boyfriend anymore" i said

"oh, do u wanna tell me what happened?" he said softly

"yea, but let's just order first" i smiled

"yea yea ofc!" he smiled back

we ordered and i just finished telling everything to Gabb.

"what an ass! who tf does he think he is" Gabb said frustrated

"honestly i don't even care, i've talked to the girls and we're gonna confront him, all at the same time" i say

"what do you mean by that?" Gabb sais with a curious expression

"so, tomorrow i'm gonna talk to him and be like, ooh i really wanna apologize im so stupid, and stuff like that. then i'm gonna sleep over at his room, all the girls r gonnna be there in the morning and i'll let them into the room. let's just say he's gonna have a nice jumpscare"  i said smiling proud of myself

"hey look ik some people if u want me to..."Gabb grabbed my had and said slowly

"no it's fine i promise" i smiled and gave his hand a little squeeze

"ok, but if u want to or need to i'm here" i sais

"ik and thank you, for always being here for me" i said

Gabb looks at me and smiles, i didn't let go of his hand so he gives me a little squeeze, i smile.

"hey do u wanna go to a carnival?" he suddenly asked

"uh yes! is that even a question?" i said smiling

"alr then let's pay and go" he said and asked for the bill

when the bill arrived i grabbed my wallet and Gabb looked at me.

"what?" i ask

"r u being fr? u think that i'll let pay?" he says

"let's just split it in half! c'mon i don't want u to pay everything" i say still holding my wallet

"no, put that away" he simply says

"alr i'll put it away but i pay for the rides at the carnival ok?" i ask smiling

"yea ig that's fine" he says

"ok then let's go!" i grab his arm and we both go to checkout

~time skip~

we just arrived at the carnival, it was way bigger than i remembered. Me and Gabb used to go here as kids with our parents and as teenagers with our friends. i absolutely love carnivals, the fun rides, the stands, and ooh the food it's everything so good. i look at Gabb who's already looking at me and smile, he does the same.

"hold my hand so u don't get lost" he says and i grab his hand

we go look around and Gabb buys me cotton candy that we shared. after we finished eating our cotton candy Gabb wanted to go on some rides. i wasnt the type of girl to be scared to go on roller coasters and stuff. yea ill be screaming my heart out but im not scared of it, so we went.

after the rides we bought matching spider man hats and Gabb made me try the basketball hoop game. we both failed miserably since we have no aim, but we laughed it off bc we were having fun and that's all that matters.

we checked the time and it was already 2am, Gabb gave me a ride back to the hotel. i suggested him sleeping over wich he agreed to, it was late and i didn't want him driving around. plus it's not like something sexual is gonna happen we've been best friends since always and we've shared a bed before so it's fine.

heyy im so so sorry for not updating but school just started for me and i had to be transferred and everything it's kinda stressful rn so yea im sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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