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Lets just pretend that Malachi has his license and can drive


Juliette POV

Malachi showed me around his house before leading me up to my room. "Where's Alyssa gonna stay?" I ask walking into my room. "Uhh...the guest room downstairs." I nod and start unzipping all my suitcases to look for something to change into. "Ok, well I'll be downstairs when your ready." I hummed and continued to look through my stuff.

The Outfit (You can change(No drink))

As I was getting ready I heard my phone ring and saw it was my sister and picked it up.  "Hey Juli how's it going over there?"
"It's fine."
"Ok...well it doesn't sound fine. Who's the mystery co-star you're staying with?" She asks with a smile on her face.
"Malachi...Barton" I say very quietly hoping she wouldn't hear me and freak the hell out.
"Calm down please"
"Dude was it awkward?"
"A little. I tried to hide in the car then Alyssa yelled at me."
"And this is why I call you a loser."
"Haha so funny. I gotta go. Love you."
"Love you too!"


We got in the car and Malachi started driving. "So where we going?" I ask, refusing to look him in the eye. "Just a mall. I've been wanting to go there for a while and it's a great tourist spot." I laughed quietly before saying, "I'm not a tourist...technically. But I would love to go to a mall, I need clothes." "What do you mean you need clothes? You have like 50 thousand suitcases full of clothes already." We laugh and I turn my head to look at him. "A girl can never have too many clothes Malachi." The rest of the drive we got to know each other and it wasn't as awkward as before.

When we got to the mall, the first store we went to was a clothing store and I bought a few things. "Here let me hold that." Malachi said, taking my bags from my hand. "You don't have to." He smiles at me and says, "I know. But I want to.' He said, turning to me asking, 'So tell me. What do I have to do to be one of the infamous people to call you by your nickname." I laughed and told him, "You don't have to do anything. Some people just do it. Some don't but you can if you want." He smiled and said, "Ok then, Juli." Right as we are about to head into the shoe store, we hear a girls voice yelling out, "Malachi?"

Malachi POV

I turn around to see Katherine and her friends walking up to me and Juliette. "I thought you said you couldn't hang out today baby." I turned to Juliette seeing her visibly cringing at the name and honestly, I did too, just didn't show it like her. "Yeah uh. My mom told me to show her around the city and I just brought her here first." Katherine nodded and asked, "Does that mean our dinner date is cancelled." She glared at Juli as I said, "We never had dinner plans because I told you my family is taking her and her manager out for dinner today." "Well then maybe I can hang out with you guys for the rest of the day." Juli smiled sarcastically and said, "Well um...We're actually about to go visit a set for my new movie real quick. No non-cast members allowed. Sorry." Before anything else happened between the two, I pulled Juli away and said, "Yeah and we should get going right now. Bye Kathrine." "Bye baby." Kathrine said as she walked away with her friends and me and Juli walked into the shoe store.

"How do you come up with lies so fast?" She shrugs saying, "It's just a gift I was born with." And laughs. "I don't know if that's good or bad." "Good. Very Good Malachi."


We finished up at the mall and I took her to other tourist spots before heading home to let her drop off her stuff then go to the restaurant that my mom said we'd be eating at, Olive Garden. When we got there, we saw paparazzi and rushed into Olive Garden before they had a chance to even see us and when we got there we saw my parents and Alyssa. We got sat down and my mom asked Juli how the tour was and she replied by saying it was fun. "Did you guys get to know each other better?" Alyssa asks, still looking at the menu. "Yup. I also learned that Mr.Barton here has a very lovely girlfriend that seems to like me very much." My mom and dad chuckled and my dad said, "Yes Kathrine can be a little much at times."

The server came and she got our orders. "Okay I'll be out with those drinks in just a moment." And she then started to head towards the kitchen. "Juli, Malachi, the script came today with a letter stating that the table read is tomorrow.' Alyssa said turning to directly talk to Juli, 'I would suggest you look over it real quick, just the first few acts." She nodded and the food came out.

Third Person POV

The group got their food and ate it. The two teenagers got some desserts and they soon left after the two were done. Juliette and Malachi went home in his car as the adults went to Felicity's car. As they got home, Juliette said goodnight to everyone and went upstairs, Alyssa leaving to go to sleep as well a few minutes later.

"That Juliette girl is very nice...and pretty." Felicia says to Malachi, nudging him a bit. "Mom, I have a girlfriend if you remember." She hummed agreeing with the boys statement. "I guess...but she is one of a kind. Very sweet and funny.' I smiled remembering the day we had, 'and I don't really like Kathrine. She's too...what's the word...rude." The boy turns to his mother saying, "Well she gets better when you get to know her." He didn't really believe himself because if he was being totally honest, he didn't even know why he was dating Kathrine. "Honey I've known her for 3 months and she still doesn't seem to like me. Always gives me the stink eye whenever I say hi to her. Anyways, I'm going to go to bed now. Love you." "Night. I love you too."

About 30 minutes after his mom left, Malachi headed upstairs to his room, changed, and laid down. He couldn't fall asleep, he checked the time to see it was 1:54am. He groaned closing his eyes eventually falling asleep.

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