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~Time Skip~
~Juliette POV~

After careful consideration over the past day me and Malachi have come up with each other's nicknames. And let me tell you right now, they are not at all original BUT you can call them creative if you want. He was Sunshine and I was Midnight Rain, although sometimes he would just shorten it to just Rain. Short story on how those became our nicknames is we were getting McDonald's and of course I had the Aux and OF COURSE I was playing Taylor Swift and "Midnight Rain" came on and those became our nicknames. (Enter smiley face emoji here)

Right now though, we are heading back to set for the first time in a month and I was so excited! Excited to see Momona and DEFINITELY excited to see Mason. I texted our little group chat and asked if anyone was there yet. They texted back and said that they were both there and my excitement went up like 10 more levels. I was in the middle of screaming "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars, at a red light, when I glanced over at Malachi and he was already looking at me. "What do you want Sunshine?" I asked sarcastically, lowering down the volume. He shrugged and said, "Nothing Midnight Rain. You just look funny when you scream your organs out to songs." The light turned green and he started driving again and I started speaking again, "Screaming songs is my therapy. It's a stress reliever so let me relieve my stress." I turned up the song again and at the corner of my eye, I saw Malachi look at me again and laugh.

When we finally got to set, Malachi turned off the car, got out, came to my side, and helped me out and said, "You know Rain, if I wasn't here to help you out of the car I think you would fall flat on your face every time." I rolled my eyes and said, "Very funny coming from the person who looks like he falls on his face all the time." He got my bag out of the car and said, "Wow. That was rude." "Hey you started it! Whatever, you know I can hold my own bag right?" "Yeah but you don't have to because I'm holding it." He smiled wide before we walked onto set.

When we got onto the set I first saw Momona and we ran to each other and hugged like in those movies. "I missed you so much." She said, letting go. "I missed you too. Is Mason her-" "Jeez Rain. I've never seen you run that fast or at all." Malachi said cutting me off. "Meanie." Momona and Malachi laughed and handed me my bag. I grabbed my bag and Momona grabbed my hand and we ran to her trailer. "Wait I wanna see-" She cut me off by saying, "You'll see him later. Right now I wanna talk to you."

She took us to her trailer and said, "Wassup with Malachi calling you Rain?" "I don't know. It kinda just happened." "Do you still like Mason?" I was kinda taken aback because I truly didn't know how to answer the question. "Um. Honest? Yes but no." She looked confused. "Please elaborate." "I don't know. When I was in New York, it was hard to contact him. Like, he wouldn't answer my calls and would take hours to call me back. I don't know, I think I'm just overreacting." Momona shook her head and said, "No. You're not overreacting. Did he at least have a good reason to not call you back?" I slowly nodded my head. "He was hanging out with Madeleine and Tristan. That's a good reason, right?" "NO!" She was about to start yelling but someone knocked on her door. It was the director telling us that we needed to go to our hair and makeup trailer.

(A/n: thinking of it now...how Mason and Tristan know Madeleine cause Juliette is Gwen is something I'm tryna make up rn. Ummmmm. Hold on. OH! Um lets just say Tristan and Madeleine met when Madeleine was playing Zoey Campbell and Tristan introduced her to Juliette and Mason *insert thumbs up emoji here*)

~Time Skip~
~Momona POV~

We were done with hair and makeup and we saw the boys. Juli saw Mason and she walked up to him and gave him a hug. From what I saw, he didn't hug back and even kinda pushed her away. When I got to them, I kinda side-eyed Mason and grabbed Juli and kinda pulled her away. "Did he do what I think he did?" I whispered because they were still a few feet away from them. "Um. He only pushed me away because he...um. He got a shot on his arm and it's still sore. You know?" I eyed her and said, "You sure? Did he tell you that?" "Um yeah." She did not sound sure. Like at all. I felt bad for her. Shes not happy. I know shes not.

When I walked to them, Malachi said, "By the way Rain, my mom said that they won't be home until late tonight. I don't know why." "Even Alyssa?." Malachi nodded then said, "Kay Sunshine." I looked at Mason and he looked mad. Like mad mad. Juliette looked at me and Mason and asked if we wanted to come over after filming. Mason shook his head and said, "Nah can't. I'm gonna hang out with Madeleine and Tristan." Her smile faltered a little before saying, "They can come over too. Or we can go to the boardwalk. We can call Brady and Xochitl and we can all hang out." He shook his head and just said, "No we're gonna go watch a movie." I looked at Juli again and the poor girl looked like she was about to cry. "Okay" She said right before Shawn called us in to start filming.

~Time Skip cause I wanna~
~Still Momona POV~

We finished at like 5 and Mason left right away because his movie was apparently gonna start soon. "Okay Rain. Do you wanna go home or do you wanna call Xochitl and Brady and go to the boardwalk?" I nodded and said, "Yeah they're probably not doing anything and the boardwalk sounds fun." It took a few seconds for her to answer before she said, "Um not I kinda just wanna go home. No offense." I smiled and said, "No don't worry you're fine." Juliette looked...anxious. Her breathing looked like it was getting heavy and she kept playing with her hands.

~Malachi POV~

Ever since we left, Juli has been acting weird. She didn't even want the Aux. Right now shes looking out the window not saying a word. "You okay Rain?" She just looked at me, nodded, and looked back out the window. I looked out at her hands which were in her lap and they were shaking. They weren't shaking a lot but they were still shaking. "You sure? Your hands are shaking." She looked at me again and said, "I'm fine Sunshine. My hands just shake sometimes."

When we got home, me and Juli started to cook pizza. 30 minutes later, Juli started to act like her normal self, laughing and smiling. We put the pizzas in the oven and Juli was washing some dishes and I was helping her. "Please Malachi. Pleaseeee." I laughed, taking the pizza out of the oven. "No I don't wanna watch Miraculous again." "Fine. Can we watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Peralta's hot." I rolled my eyes and said, "Fine. We can watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine." She smiled and went to turn on the TV. While she was trying to start the show I went on Instagram and saw the post.

exposed.celebDrama (A/n: Ik thats like a really bad name its its all I can come up with)

celebDrama✔ (A/n: Ik thats like a really bad name its its all I can come up with)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Liked by 941,432 people

exposed.celebDrama: Movie star Mason Thames caught kissing a girl is definitely NOT Juliette Downey!!!


masonthamesofficial: please take this down
>exposed.celebDrama: Actually our 1st amendment in the Bill of Rights states that I have the freedom to write and say whatever I want unless it's slander. And since it is not slander because we can clearly see it's you and someone who is not Juliette I can do what I want.

user129: why does that kinda look like Kathrine
>user134: wait it kinda does

user321: @JulietteDowney
>user493: @JulietteDowney

JulietteDowney: why am I not suprised

eleanor.downey: i was team malachi anyway
>momonatamada: me too
>_xochitl.gomez: me three(thank you mo for catching me up)

malachibarton: wtf @masonthamesofficial
>masonthamesofficial: i can explain
>malachibarton: no you can't


A/n: Wow!! I posted. Yeah I just had a sudden wave of motavation

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