Chapter 3: Jerk!

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*Rachel's POV*

I suddenly smelled something.......unusual. It actually smells good! What was it? It smelled like old spice, but not just that. There was also other scents. Fruit? But what kind of fruit? It wasn't just that either. I also smelled firewood. Like a woodsy kind of smell. Where is it coming from?

I turned to face Evelyn, who was sitting next to me. "Do you smell that?" I asked taking another whiff of the air.

She looked up at me and smelled the air. Then she shook her head "no" and went back to her work. I frowned and looked back down at my book. I smelled the air again. The smell was still there! Now, it is getting on my nerves.

I looked up from my book and saw a pair of brown eyes staring straight at me.

All I could say, was total hotty.

His hair looked thick and luscious. It was the color of dark chocolate, my favorite type of chocolate. It was styled perfectly on his head. He had a square jaw and low cheek bones.

He had perfect, deep brown eyes. His nose was a perfect nose and his lips were pink and plump. Totally kissable.

I traveled down to his body. He was perfectly tan. Through his shirt, I could tell he was fit. He was wearing a plaid button up shirt and blue jeans.

Has he always been in this class or does he always skip it???? Maybe I haven't noticed him.

How could I not notice him? Who could not notice him?

I looked back up at him and noticed he was still looking at me. Was he checking me out?!

"Mate!!!!!" I heard a voice in my head yell. What the hell? What was that!!!!???? It didn't sound like me either. "Mate!!!!" The voice yelled again.

"HUH???? WHO ARE YOU!!!!" I screamed.

"Ooooops, forget I am even here!" the voice said quietly with silence coming after it.

"Wait! Come back!" I pleaded. But the voice didn't come back. Must've been my imagination.

I continued to look at the guy. I couldn't help myself but I felt like I big part of me was missing and now it was found.

Very peculiar if you ask me.....

I glanced around and noticed some people in the classroom staring at us in awe, like they just found out something.

I looked back down at my book, blood rising to my cheeks. It didn't help that I could still feel his eyes burning holes into my head.

I felt him come closer to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him still lookin at me, but this time he was sitting at the empty chair next to me.

"Hey there sexy." He said still smirking. His voice was deep, husky, and velvety. God, his voice is sexy. I just wanted to moan at the sound of his voice. It was soothing. I couldn't help but blush at his voice.

But he called me sexy!!!!

I glared at him. Nobody calls me sexy. I mean I am flattered, but he is just trying to get my attention.

"Don't talk to me." I said angrily as I looked back into my book.

"Mmmmm, feisty...... I like that." he said with a wink. I frowned and rolled my eyes. "What are you reading?" he asked as he grabbed the book out of my hands.

"Hey!!!" I yelled, trying to grab the book back. He just pulled the book farther away, which caused me to fall onto his lap.

I felt shocks, sparks, and tingles shoot throughout my body. It felt really weird and good at the same time. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't.

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