Chapter 32: Is She Dead? Or nah?

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I'm so happy that on Quotev, I have more than 151,837 reads!!! I'm so happy!!! Anyways, can't wait to started the chapter!!! 




*Zach's POV*

I stared in horror as Rachel's father pointed the gun at her. She closed her eyes and waited for him to shoot her. 

I felt my heart start racing and I struggled to move around. Tears flowed down my cheeks. I could feel the warm tears land on my lips and I could taste its salty flavor along with copper from the blood on my face. 

I heard a gun shot and I flinched. I let out a loud muffled scream as I saw the bullet hit her right in the stomach. My head snapped towards her father and I saw his eyes roll back before falling forward. My eyes widened when I saw Jack holding a knife in his hand and Evelyn standing next to him with red eyes. 

Evelyn quickly ran over to Rachel as Jack went over to me. "Shit!" I heard Evelyn shout. When Jack reached me, he ignored the pain as he unchained me. Once I was free, Jack gently pulled the tape off of my mouth. 

I didn't even say thank you, because I was already making my way over to Rachel. I didn't make it far because I collapsed. The pain was so excruciating! I could feel our mate pull disappearing. 

Jack quickly helped me up and I limped over to Rachel. Right when I got to her, I saw the blood dripping down her stomach, down her legs, and left a pool of blood on the floor. 

I placed my hand on the cut on her stomach. Within a matter of seconds, my hand was covered in blood. More tears fell down my cheeks as I realized I couldn't have done anything to prevent this from happening. 

Evelyn reached up and unchained her from the ceiling and her limped body fell into my weak arms. I stumbled a little when I caught her because I'm still really weak. Both of us aren't healing fast and that gunshot affected her because they gave us wolfsbane. 

I pulled Rachel into my chest and laid my head on her's. Everything started becoming blurry and it felt as if my head was spinning around. My eyes slowly closed and I could feel darkness start to consume me. 

I don't know if was because of shock or if it was because of the pain I was feeling. 





I groaned in pain and tried rolling over. "He's awake!" I heard someone exclaim. I attempted to rub my eyes, but I couldn't move my arm. My eyes snapped open and I sat up really quickly. I looked around the room 

We were at the pack hospital. The walls in the room were white, the smell of medicine lingered in the air, and their were computers and monitors in the room.  Suddenly I remembered what happened to Rachel. I let out a loud, fierce growl. "Where's Rachel?"

The doctor and the nurse looked at each other before looking at me with sad eyes. "She hasn't woken up yet and she lost a lot of blood." The doctor replied. 

"You didn't answer my question." I growled. 

"S-She's in the room n-next door, Alpha." The nurse stammered. 

I swung my legs off the bed and stood up, but I get held back by the cables connected to my body. I grabbed them and yanked them off of me. I ignored the pain as I marched out of the room and right to the room that the nurse said Rachel was staying in. 

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