Chapter 30: Revenge

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Hey!!! Look I know I just updated, but since its winter break, I have a ton of time to update. I don't know what's going to happen in this chapter, so we can find out together. Well....ON WITH THE STORY!!!!


My eyes slowly opened as I felt a sharp pain on my wrists. I looked down and saw that I had silver chains on my wrists, ankles, neck, and waist. I tried mind-linking Zach, but I couldn't reach him. I also tried talking to Dawn, but it feels like she's not even there. Almost like I'm just a human.

They probably put wolfsbane in my system. They. Shit!!!!

My eyes immediately started searching around the room. The room looked like a cellar. A sudden rush of deja vu consumed me. The walls and floor was made from cement. The air was cold.

I looked down at my body. I was wearing an oversized T-shirt and that was it. I was covered in scratches, cuts, and dried blood.

I tried shifting into a different position, but I kept getting burned by the silver. I let out a cry of pain when they tightened against my skin.

I lean against the wall knowing that there isn't anything I can do because screaming and calling for Zach wouldn't help me at all.

I slowly close my eyes again and drift off.

*Zach's POV*

Consciousness took over me. Before I took in my surroundings or started remembering what had happened, my mind automatically set on Rachel. I quickly looked around, but there was no sign of her.

"Rachel!" I yelled. When I didn't hear a respond from her, I yelled again. But this time even louder. "RACHEL DAMMIT!!!."

Even though the silver rope that tied my wrists together was painful, I couldn't feel it. I was in so much pain from not being near Rachel. I tried shifting in the chair, but silver rope was wrapped around my body.

My ankles were tied to the chair and my arms were tied behind my back. The room was really dark, only a little bit of light was shining in from a window that had silver bars over them.

I heard a door open and footsteps. I looked up to see a man standing at the door along with three others. The man looked to be about in his mid forties. His eyes were the color of stone and his hair was black with a little bit of grey highlights.

He stalked towards me with a smirk on his face. He rose the whip up and slashed it across my back. I winced in pain as the leather slammed against my bare back. I could feel the blood flowing out of the gash.

I let out a warning growl. "What do you want from me?" I asked.

He clenched his fists and bent down in front of me. He grabbed my jaw in his fingers and forced me to look at him. "Revenge." he replied before punching me in the face.

I could feel the blood running down my nose but it doesn't bother me. "Revenge for what?" I questioned.

"My daughter," he paused, "She's your mate." He spat with disgust.

My hands formed fists and body boiled with anger. "You're her father. The asshole who left her!" I gritted out, angrily.

"Oh." he chuckled. "I see she's told you about me." He slashed me again with his whip. I groan in pain. He hits me a few more times before stopping. At this point I am so weak that I can barely keep my eyes open.

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