It was That Easy

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Y/n: It was that easy.

Y/n and Gwen walk out of Brooklyn Visions Academy, back into the streets of New York. Gwen stares at Y/n with a smug smirk as the teen opposite her only looks ahead- beside himself in confusion.

Gwen Stacy: I believe congratulations are in order.

Y/n: Yeah, well done, Gwen. Smashed it.

He budges her with his shoulder in jest, causing her to make the exact same move on him. Their smiles are interrupted when Y/n glitches yet again. Gwen is quick enough to catch him before he hits the ground, hoisting his arm over her shoulder.

Gwen Stacy: That's what made you fall off the roof?

Y/n: Yeah...

Gwen Stacy: I mean...

Y/n: What?

Gwen Stacy: At least it looked pretty.

Y/n rolls his eyes as Gwen proceeds to help walk him away. As the draw closer to the apartment, Y/n begins to feel more confident in his ability to walk.

Y/n: You know, you can probably set me down now.

Gwen Stacy: Noted.

With this in mind; she continues to lug Y/n around. Y/n doesn't mind the help, taking the opportunity to take a load off.

Gwen Stacy: Jesus, how is someone so thin so heavy?

Y/n: It's all muscle dude.

Gwen Stacy: Uh, huh. Sure.

Once back in the apartment, Gwen sits Y/n down on the couch and moves to the sink to fix him a glass of water.

Y/n: Gwen, really, I'm fine.

Gwen Stacy: Your atoms were literally ripping apart, you are so not fine. Take the glass.

Y/n goes to take the beverage- only for his arm to be too stiff to move above his waste. He sighs and shakes his head; indicating that he could not pull it off.

Gwen Stacy: See?

Gwen's coined smirk outs itself once again as she proves herself right over Y/n. She touches down next to him in the spot that had previously only been occupied by a cardboard box, gently taking the back of his head and slowly pouring the water into his mouth. He swallows a mouthful and begins to talk again.

Y/n: This is degrading.

Gwen Stacy: There's nothing wrong with asking for help.

Y/n: There's help and then there's having a girl feed you.

Gwen Stacy: I mean, I can stop.

Y/n: I'm dying of thirst over here.

Gwen rolls her eyes, helping Y/n to finish the glass before taking it away towards the swiftly growing pile of dishes dumped by the sink. She then picks up two packages she had hidden in her backpack, setting them down on the coffee table opposite Y/n.

Y/n: What's in those?

As she plops down next to Y/n, Gwen takes one of the packages and rips it open, revealing the student uniform for Brooklyn Visions Academy.

Y/n: Where did you even get those from?

Gwen Stacy: I ordered them last night.

Y/n: We didn't even have the sit down until this morning.

Gwen Stacy: I told you it would work, though.

Y/n: Alright, I get it. You're a goddamn Spider-Genius.

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