No Turning Back

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Y/n stands nude in a shower. Irritatingly, Miguel was right and there were indeed no showers in the Spider-Society building. Instead, he has retreated to his home turf of Earth 2520.

Y/n: Un-freaking-believable...

Y/n exits with a towel around his waist- heading to his room. Once inside, he dries off and gets changed. As always- his eyes dart near-instantly to his Polaroid of himself and Gwen. He watches it, almost as if expecting something to happen.

M/n: Y/n! Are you done in the bathroom?!

Y/n: Yes!

Frustrated, Y/n leaves the house via his bedroom window, not even trying to hide his identity as he is in civilian clothes. His mum enters his bedroom right as he exits.

M/n: I thought you might like so- oh. He's... gone.

Since his dress isn't spider themed, Y/n does not use his webs to get around the city- instead parkouring his way across rooftops and scaffolding in the residential area. His phone pings and he sees a voice note from his mother.

M/n [voicenote]: Y/n, I left some food in your room for when you get back. And stop leaving without announcing yourself!

Y/n: Uh huh.

Y/n arrives at another house and sneaks in through an open window. He crawls across the ceiling of the house's upstairs portion and into a bedroom where a boy sits, headphones blaring. He mumbles the lyrics as he hears them.

Ben Reilly: Making my way downtown. Walking past, faces past and I'm homebound...

Y/n jumps off the ceiling and lands silently on the carpet. He sneaks over to his best friend and lifts his headphones slightly, enough to expose his ear.

Y/n: And I need you.

Ben Reilly: Gah!

Ben freaks out, falling backwards in his wheelie chair. Y/n helps him to his feet as Ben sets the office chair back up.

Y/n: Guess who's back?

Ben Reilly: You're a dick.

Ben's glare quickly evaporates as he hugs his friend with glee. The duo laugh as they break apart, Ben studying Y/n.

Ben Reilly: So, you all done saving the multiverse?

Y/n: Barely started. I just came home for a pit stop.

Ben Reilly: Man. That's a shame.

Y/n: How's it going without me? Crime, I mean.

Ben Reilly: It's been rough, but not out of control. The feds have got it on lock. City's worried about you though.

Y/n: Worried?

Ben Reilly: Y/n, our superhero went missing. I mean, your parents and I know what's going on but the city's freaking out.

Y/n: How's Captain Lauds doing?

Ben Reilly: Your police friend? How should I know?

Y/n: I was just asking.

Y/n holds his hands up in mock defence, causing Ben to roll his eyes as he leaves the room- heading for the front door.

Y/n: Where are you going?

Ben Reilly: We are going out. I can't remember the last time we just hung out. Even before all the inter-dimensional crap.

Y/n: Fair enough.

We see the two walking through the streets of Central London, going in the odd shop here and there, but never buying anything apart from a pair of slushies in a bossman's shop.

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