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The students of Brooklyn Visions near instantly begin to laugh at the officer's son as he pushes inside to avoid the attention. Y/n slinks in after him, taking an interest in the boy. He walks through a lobby filled with many other students in identical blue uniforms. The boy awkwardly tries to interact with his peers, though none are interested.

Boy: Hey, good morning. How you doing Weekend was short, huh?

Giving up, he turns to another kid. This one part of of large group. Y/n remains trailing loosely behind, enjoying the spectacle.

Boy: Oh my gosh this is embarrassing, we wore the same jacket!

The entire group refuses to acknowledge his existence, just passing by. The boy is discouraged.

Student: Hey

Boy: Yeah?

Student: Your shoe's untied.

Boy: Yeah, I'm aware. It's a choice.

Not able to watch the boy suffer any longer, Y/n wipes the smile off of his face and approaches him- a glum look painted on his face.

Y/n: Hey there.

Boy: Hi!

Y/n: You pulled up in a police car, yeah? That's pretty heat.

Boy: Thanks, I mean, it was just my dad dropping me off.

Y/n: Trust me, I know.

Boy: Oh, you heard that, huh?

Y/n: Pretty hard not to, your dad cranked the radio and everything.

The student cringes, staring past Y/n as of his father would magically appear in order to apologise. Y/n snaps him out of it by introducing himself.

Y/n: I'm Y/n, by the way. Y/n L/n.

Boy: Oh, dope. I'm Miles Morales.

Y/n: Cool name. Hey- what dorm hall are you in?

Miles Morales: I'm hall A, room 12. You?

Y/n: Dude, we're roomies!

Miles Morales: For real! Nice! Hey, what you got on the old schedule?

Miles and Y/n compare the PDFs on their phones, looking for any possible synchronisation in their lesson plans.

Y/n: Looks like we're in the same physics class. Look, I gotta roll or I'll be late. But I'll see you after lunch.

Miles Morales: Yeah, yeah. Hey, you wouldn't wanna...

Miles looks up, only to find Y/n is already gone. He looks around, hoping to find his new friend.

Miles Morales: Grab a lunch table...

When the time for lunch comes around, Y/n ends up sharing a table with Gwen as promised. The academy's choices of lunch today consist of meatloaf or salad. Not particularly a fan of either; Y/n picks at his meatloaf as Gwen eats her salad.

Y/n: Man, this place sucks.

Gwen Stacy: You just need to expand your pallet.

Y/n: Or this dimension just doesn't know how to do food right.

Gwen Stacy: Yeah, I don't think that's it.

Y/n: Whatever. British food might not be particularly adventurous but at least we know what tastes good.

Gwen Stacy: You're clearly delusional, you've been in this dimension for too long.

Y/n rolls his eyes at Gwen's jab, shuddering as he forces himself to swallow another mouthful of the questionably sourced meatloaf.

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