Nice to Meet You

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Through the night-time streets of New York swings Y/n L/n, covered head to toe in his trademark green and black Spider-Man costume; very fashionable wearing his sleeveless black jacket over the top. He comes to stop stop a large building in Times Square, where he removes his mask and lets his hood down.

Gwen Stacy: Took you long enough.

Y/n strides over to Gwen, sitting down next to her with a sigh as he loosens up- letting the physical stresses of swinging melt away.

Y/n: I was having a very nice talk with my roommate.

Gwen Stacy: Oh my God- are you wearing the jacket over your suit?

Y/n: I thought it would annoy you.

Gwen Stacy: You were right.

Y/n: That's one nil to me!

She slaps his shoulder and gets up, stopping at the edge of the roof as she prepares to don her mask. Y/n joins her and makes the same preparations.

Y/n: You taking me somewhere special, tonight?

Gwen Stacy: Oh, yeah. A real lovely spot.

She webs him semi-gently over to her, leaving mere inches between their faces. Y/n smirks as his friend dismays, literally seeing his brain generate a joke.

Y/n: Nice place, views a little derivative.

Gwen Stacy: You did not just call my face derivative!

Y/n: Excuse me, Miss Stacy! I was talking about the cityscape!

He dons his mask and fold his hood over his head, adjusting his jacket to complete the look. He leaves one last one liner before departing the rooftop.

Y/n: You got some stuff you need to work through.

He leaps from the roof as she glared at him, though the animosity quickly turns to a smile once he can no longer see her. With much less intensity than Y/n: Gwen prepares her mask and drops off of the roof- attempting to catch up with her friend.

Y/n: Keep up, Snail-Woman!

Gwen Stacy: Oh, you are so gonna regret calling me that!

She begins to gain on him, Y/n switches to running across the side of buildings in an attempt to outmanoeuvre Gwen by different means.

Gwen uses her expertise to shoot herself through a very narrow gap which Y/n is running through. She is able to tackle him off of the exterior wall and the two tumble to a lower rooftop entangled, both in hysterics.

Y/n: Get off!

Still laughing, Gwen stands and offers Y/n her hand which he takes in order to stand himself. Gwen gazes at Y/n, removing her mask and then his for him- their hoods remaining up.

Gwen Stacy: Thank you for this, Y/n. I don't have... any friends, actually. Let alone one that gets what it's like to be a Spider-Person.

She then engages him in a hug, placing her forehead against his own. When they pull apart, Y/n feels lighter, only to noticed that Gwen had stolen his jacket. He webs it back to himself as she sulks.

Y/n: Nice try.

Gwen Stacy: I'll get that jacket...

Y/n: Over my cold dead body...

Gwen chuckles and buttons Y/n's jacket for him, working slowly as her eyes rise alongside the buttons. The scene fades as Y/n wakes up in his dorm the next day. He wears his pyjamas- though the jacket is still being worn over the top.

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