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Gwen rushes through the hallways of Brooklyn Visions Academy, too angry to notice the mocking looks coming from literally every student. She reaches the courtyard and is quick to notice the sound of a web zip as the Spider-Man of earth 2520 touches down beside her.

Gwen Stacy: What the hell are you doing? Someone could see you!

Y/n: Relax, they're all too busy laughing at you to notice me.

Gwen Stacy: Thanks.

She barges past him and continues on in her path, no particular destination in mind. Feeling partially guilty for her emotional state- Y/n attempts to catch up.

Y/n: Hey! I'm sorry, that wasn't funny!

He cuts in front of her in order to obtain her attention. She sighs and stares at him expectantly, waiting for another ill-timed joke.

Y/n: Are you doing okay?

Gwen Stacy: Oh.

Y/n: What?

Gwen Stacy: Nothing.

Y/n: You said no, like you were expecting-

Y/n is interrupted when Gwen lurches forward in a vibrant display of rapidly shifting shapes and colours. Evidently: Spider-Woman is glitching. Y/n is able to catch her before she hits the ground, helping her to her feet once the glitching ceases.

Gwen Stacy: Was that-

Y/n: -Yep.

Gwen Stacy: Yikes, not fun.

Y/n keeps his hand on her back to steady her as they now move through the courtyard as a duo. They stop at the sound of screams- familiar screams.

Miles Morales: Keep sticking, Miles!

They look up to find Miles gracelessly stumbling across the side of an exterior wall. Suddenly pigeons fly into him, and somehow become stuck to his hands as they flap wildly, pecking at his face.

Gwen Stacy: Okay...

The birds lead Miles towards the window that leads to his and Y/n's dorm room. He falls inside and the pigeons stuck to his hands are able to escape out of the window.

Gwen Stacy: I think we found our Spider-Man.

Y/n: He can't be. You heard the guy at the store, there's already a Spider-Man. There can't be two Spider-Men from the same universe... can there?

We then see Y/n practically kick the door to his dorm room down as he and Gwen stand apprehensively in the door frame.

Y/n: Dammit. He's not here.

They walk around the small space, observing the carnage he had left behind. Y/n picks up the shredded fragments of a comic labelled 'The True Life Tales of Spider-Man.'

Y/n: I really need to start franchising...

Gwen snatches the scrap from his hand, reading what few words there were on the quarter page.

Gwen Stacy: Well, that's one question answered. There's definitely more than one Spider-Man.

Y/n sighs, slapping his forehead and falling onto Miles' bed. Gwen watches him as he sulks to himself.

Gwen Stacy: What.

Y/n: That's why he was acting so weird this morning...

Not following, Gwen waits for Y/n to elaborate as he sits up, staring his comrade dead in the face with a rare intensity.

Y/n: He got bit last night. When he snuck out.

Gwen Stacy: Oh, for God's sake...

Y/n: This complicates things, huh?

Avoid the Spider-Verse (Spider-Verse Saga insert)Where stories live. Discover now