#13 | bus ride

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ik, ik, this update is very late (i kept procrastinating)... sadly the updates will be slower due to life and HOW IM FINALLY GETTING TO START HONING MY DIGITAL ART PROWESS (I'll show yall some of my works at the end of the next chap)!!! updates will be every 2 weeks hopefully 🙁

itoshi focused chap for my itoshi luvvers tdy :D (i apologize in advance for any mischaracterization) ALSO THE LAST OF THE CHARACTERS WE HAVENT MET WILL BE FINALLY INTRODUCED NEXT CHAP! YAY!

the next chaps r gna be really good guys!!! (trust not clickbait)(totally not itoshi brother related)

the next chaps r gna be really good guys!!! (trust not clickbait)(totally not itoshi brother related)

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"so... where's your house anyway, sae?" y/n queried curiously, her strides quickening to match with the aforementioned and rin's.

"that's for me to know and you to find out," the teal-eyed male peered at her indifferently. the (h/c)nette shrugged at his lighthearted scrutiny and fell back into step with an eager shidou—who'd persuaded her to retrieve the cashable information in his stead.

the younger itoshi brother waited impatiently for the opportune moment to mention his distaste for sae's sudden hospitality. "I still think it's a health risk for you to let them come... especially because of shidou," rin folded his arms with a far-off look, his vibrant hues clouded with an indiscernible emotion. "I mean, I'm surprised you even relented to their demands..." the black-haired male enunciated below his breath, and the soft crinkles in his tapered brows augmented from closely observing shidou, y/n, and bachira poking fun at the others.

the two itoshi brothers were seldom seen associating with the other blue lockers. rin couldn't understand it; he couldn't understand why his elder brother—who'd expressed his disapprobation for the others—was so unexpectedly entertaining the archaic lot.

they'd always diverged from the group and rin was okay with it, joyous even. until now, of course.

and almost as if he were reliving a memory depicted in bleak watercolors, he suddenly found himself chasing after sae again, akin to a pig with a carrot dangled above its snout. so why? what was so appealing about the group today? was sae already bored of him? was he not good enough company? rin bit his lip sharply at the depreciative notions.

sae sent him a ghost of a smile and suddenly he knew; the ravenette easily caught the mahogany-haired boy's prolonged gaze on a certain (h/c)nette. "I guess I can't really say no to her," sae pursed his lips and stuffed his fists into his pockets before continuing to strut. "how weird..."

rin's eyes widened as he shot a calculative look toward the female. 'so it was her doing...'

"c'mon, losers, my car is over here." sae called the large group of soccer players—whether former or current—over with an arm motion.

reo arched a brow at the chic, onyx 4-seater porsche. "we're not all gonna fit in that,"

sae unlocked the car with a head tilt. "who said I was taking all of you?" the world-class midfielder blinked owlishly when he received nothing but blank stares. "don't get it twisted, I said 'yes' to y/n."

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