Chapter 11

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It's been almost two months since Harry gained the blessing of hearing and speaking. Since then, Louis has tried his best to help Harry understand and learn English verbally and audibly. Anne has been a great help too, considering she's the mother and all, but she wouldn't hesitate to say that Louis has had the greater share in aiding Harry. For which she is immensely grateful.

Louis was in his home, since it was Sunday, and was just going through his texts from last night with a really close friend. He could pass up as a brother for Louis, they were that close.

Louis ran his blue eyes, that were emotionally tired if someone looked deeply into them, over the texts his best friend (namely Niall) had sent. His mind was running a hundred directions at the moment, he couldn't think straight.

Its been about six months since Louis recognized his feelings for the sweet curly haired boy, about five months since he openly admitted to himself his undeniable love for Harry. He was yet to tell the boy about it. Numerous occasions had come but also gone by due to some unusual things happening, causing Louis to delay the breaking news.

He was scared was the fact. He was scared, he was completely terrified of losing Harry or getting rejected. He wanted nothing more to give Harry the world and even though it had been only a year since he had known the boy, he could very well and clearly see a beautiful future with him that he would give anything to achieve.

He was having his mind fogged up with the thought of how to tell Harry that he loves him. Niall was trying to give advises but all Louis did was find some sort of a way that he thought would lead Harry to freak out and that's what he did not want.

Now that he looked through the messages and tried his best to think optimistically, he actually saw what Niall was trying to reach at.

He was sat on the beanbag in his bedroom, phone in his right hand and the index of other between his teeth, biting it. He had a small frown on his brows, but it was big enough for anyone else to point at.

His mother was just passing by his room (yeah, he still lives with his mum but hey, she's single and he doesn't like living alone and he's the only child so there's that) and she stopped by the opened door and saw Louis in a visibly distressed state.

She lingered on the doorframe for few seconds before knocking lightly on the door when seeing Louis wasn't really changing his position. He did though, after hearing the sound, and looked up from the phone and at the door.

"Mum? What happened?" He tried to regain his normal self but it was too late for that now.

"Anything worrying you, bub?" She asked, still standing at the door.

"Uh... well..." He knew he couldn't ever lie to his mother so didn't even bother. "Yeah, a bit."

"Wanna talk about it?"

Louis knew he should ask his mother about this. He might be an adult but he always was his mama's little boy and that little boy always needed his mum's help to walk.

"If you're free." He said hopefully.

"Of course, I am, darling." She said, walking in and sitting on the bed, right in front of Louis' beanbag. "So what seems to be the matter?"


"Oh." She was taken aback. "I thought you two were doing perfectly."

"Oh, no. No, no, no. That's not what I meant. We are doing great. It's just... it's just..." He struggled with words and Jay gave him all the time he needed. "I haven't really told him that... that I love him and... and it's... I'm confused- I don't know what to do. How to tell him this without scaring him away. I don't want him to leave me. I just... I wanna... I just want him to know how I feel."

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