Chapter 12

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[grammatical mistakes in harry's dialogues are fully intended]

"Hi, love." Louis came back to the house after buying some ice cream that Harry had wanted. All the while, Harry was practicing to read on his own.

Harry had made a remarkable progress in speaking and now could speak and understand almost all the normal words used that would help him communicate easily with people. Yes, his grammar might not be the best, but at least he speaks and he looks cute when he does any mistake so Louis is definitely not complaining.

And now he was being taught to read and write.

"Hi, Louis." Harry smile. "I try read this." He pointed at the small three sentenced paragraph of a children's book.

"Really, now?" Louis widened his eyes in surprise, it got Harry to giggle and nod. "Well, I wanna listen to it myself."

Louis sat beside Harry on the bed in Harry's room, wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulder and brought him closer. Harry started reading and even though Louis had to correct him here and there and he helped him pronounce some words but all in all, he was immensely proud. "I'm so proud of you, baby. How about now we go downstairs and eat that ice cream. It's in the fridge." Louis suggested.

"Yes! I want ice cream." Harry nodded, excitedly. This boy was too cute.

"Why don't you go and start digging in and I'll come down after I use your loo? Sound okay?"

"Sound okay." Harry nodded again.

"Alright, now." Louis smiled and brought Harry closer so he could kiss his temple before letting him get up and go downstairs.

Louis went to the bathroom and once he was done, he exited it. It was then he noticed something he had never seen before in Harry's room. Well, he does recall getting a small glance at it but he never truly saw it.

He hated being a nosy boyfriend but he couldn't help himself. The drawer was opened so widely and seemed too welcoming that Louis couldn't help himself.

He came closer to it and saw pictures flooding it. Literally flooding it. The pictures were filled till the top and Louis wondered why Harry hadn't put the pictures in some folder because these pictures looked like there were taken from some family camera but they looked really stunning.

He remembered that he had never seen this drawer opened before. Harry always kept it closed. Maybe Harry was hiding these all from him. He didn't know why though.

He picked up some of them and went through each. He saw pictures of sceneries, trees, houses, sunsets. And Louis was not stupid, he recognized the views perfectly. The sunsets were from Harry's roof. The trees and the birds and benches were from the local park. The shops were from downtown.

He wished there was a camera lying around somewhere but there wasn't any. He knew it had to be Harry who took these and he's not being bias but the pictures were astoundingly taken. He really wished it was Harry who was the photographer, otherwise why would he have a drawer full of such pictures.

He needed to know it and if Harry hid it from him, he might not tell him about it. His only hope was Anne.

And so he went to her.

Harry had been talked to about the place where Louis got the job, after the 'internship' at Harry's. What happened was seeing that Harry needed professional help in learning to speak correctly and read and write at such an age where preschool wouldn't be an option for him, Louis had talked to Anne about getting Harry into the institute made for people like such.

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