Chapter 3

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Sometimes Harry would drown himself in a deep hole of self pity. He knew he was not normal, not like other people that surrounded him. And he absolutely despised the fact. He felt like he was burden on his mother, an unnecessary burden that she had to keep up with. No matter how many times she told him he wasn't, he never truly believed the truth. And thinking about all of this often led him away from the present.

Same happened when Louis was making tea for the duo in the kitchen as the curly haired lad sat in the living room, crossed legs on the couch with a small cushion between his arms and chest.

Louis poured the tea into two separate cups and placed the kettle away, he will wash up later. He added sugar accordingly in each of the cups. He grabbed the cups in both of his hands and made his way to the living room. He saw Harry staring out at nothing specifically, so he just thought the boy was thinking of something.

He came near him, Harry completely oblivious to it, seeing the fact that he wasn't mentally on this planet anymore, and sat next to him. He placed the cups on the table in front of them and turned to face Harry. Harry seemed to be completely out, as Louis guessed.

Louis, knowing the boy wouldn't respond to the snap of the fingers or the clap of the hands, raised his hand up to reach Harry's eye level and shook it. Harry blinked back to reality and snapped his face to see Louis sitting beside him. Louis raised his eyebrows which Harry had now learned to know meant "what's the matter?". 

Instead of answering, Harry shook his head and looked down, trying to put a smile on his face to portray himself as being okay to Louis. Louis, on the other hand, was better at guessing Harry than the younger boy thought.

Louis brought his fingers below Harry's chin and gently pulled it up to have Harry's beautiful emerald eyes meet his blue ones. Harry bit his lip, knowing he wouldn't be able to get out of the conversation without telling Louis the truth. Or if he could perfectly lie his way out of this, at which he sucked.

"What happened, bub? Why the long face?" Louis signed to the silent boy who bit his lips, contemplating on telling Louis the truth or not. He knew Louis doesn't like it when he thinks low of himself so he was hesitant on bringing up the topic.

"Come on now. Aren't you gonna tell me?" Louis asked, feeling sad inside seeing Harry being sad about something. It had been a total of three months of him working for the lad and he didn't know what happened but he grew a weird sort of protection over the lad. Like it was his duty to keep him safe and happy all of the time because he believed that Harry deserved that.

Harry shook his head again, having an unintended pout visible on his lips, which made him seem much more adorable to Louis than normal.

"Come on, Harry. You know I don't like seeing you sad. What is it?" Louis tried again. He couldn't use his voice to show his desire to know what caused the frown on Harry's face so he tried to make his face be as persuasive as possible.

Harry raised his hands to sign but lowered it down only to raise and lower them once again. He didn't want to sadden Louis but seeing him sad made Louis sad as well so the blue eyed boy was upset either way and Harry didn't know which sadness was worse.

"You can take your time in telling me. No rush." Louis smiled gently smiled at the younger boy.

Harry looked at Louis as the lad turned and reached forward for one of the cups and turned to face Harry again. Louis smiled after seeing Harry looking at him and brought the cup of tea near to his hands. Harry wrapped his fingers around it, it was still warm which was good because it raised the temperature of Harry's hands in the chilly weather.

Harry sighed before Louis grabbed his own cup and sat back comfortably on the couch beside Harry. Louis blew over the cup while Harry was still thinking of telling Louis what he was thinking.

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