Chapter 01-past

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Early in the morning a lady about 55 years old was walking in the street. She was continuously looking back to check whether any one is following her. Finally she reach her destination she was shivering at thought of going inside the mansion. She slowly knock at the big luxurious gate. A guard open the gate

Guard: who are you..... what do you want..... *coldly*
???:FID...... 7

Guard go inside and call some one while eyeing the lady suspiciously.

Guard:Sir a lady come here and say FID 7
Guard: ok...sir

He cut the call and open the door for the lady.
Guard: follow me.....

They both went inside the mansion.... that's when the lady see a man around 30 years old was sitting in the couch look like he just wake up....

???: who are you...(the man who is sitting in the couch ask)
???:sir, I am Yang Zhenzhen.....
???: what do you want .... and how do you know that code...*coldly*
Yang:sir, this letter.....

She didn't answer his question. But give him a letter.

It's me isuel. I know that it will be hard for you to believe it.... but it's truth I an still alive I mean I was alive when I write this letter. when this letter arrive to you I must have already leave this world.... then why I wrote this letter to you... the reason is our Baby..... who is now 1 years..... do you remember when they kidnap me I was pregnant I give birth to a healthy baby GIRL. I want you to took her away from here she don't belongs to here she deserve to get love from her appa and brothers......
Don't be sad because you couldn't save me. Save our baby...... it will be like you save me....

Your lovely wife


Daniel eyes started to get teary. Suddenly

Yang: sir, I work as a maid where Mrs. Kim was living....before she died she said to me to bring this letter to you....
Daniel: You work there....
Yang: yes sir....
Daniel: where is the house situated? Who is the owner of the house?
Yang:The house near xxx mall ......
I don't know the owners name....... Everyone work there call him Mr. Lee
Daniel: is isuel-

He got cut of by yang

Yang: sorry sir, but she is no more....
Daniel: what about the baby... My daughter*voice cracked*
Yang: she is fine.....
Daniel: give me the address of the mansion.... I am going to took my baby from there.... I couldn't save my wife I will save my daughter....
Yang: sir, it's no use to go there..... they shifted from there to some where else.... last night......with Yn

Suddenly daniel remember something which has happened when ISUEL was pregnant (with jin)


isuel was 6 months pregnant that time. They both were excited to see their first child....

Isuel:Daniel.... do you want a boy or girl?
Daniel:I want doesn't matter.... when the baby is mine....
Isuel:oh.... me too.....*giggles*
Daniel:did you think about a name?
Isuel: No... did you get a name for baby?
Daniel: Ya.... if it's a boy then we will name him..... JIN. If it is a girl then we will name her YN....
Isuel: YN and JIN it is so good....


Daniel:is it baby's name?
Yang: yes sir....
Daniel:Thank can leave.....

Isuel don't worry I will take revenge for your death and surely bring our baby to our house......


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