Nicknames, Fan-girls, and Shawarma...OH MY!

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Dedicated to AgentClintBarton for providing an idea for an upcoming chapter to this story. You''ll see what I mean after reading this...enjoy!






Just as the priest began to talk, an arm was rested on my shoulder. "I'm sorry for your loss," he said his brown eyes staring into mine. They seemed lifeless, almost. I managed to fake a smile at Jared, and he stood next to Bruce who was on my right while Loki was on my left.

"We have all gathered around," the priest started as I let my eyes stare straight ahead, not allowing them to wander around. This was going to be long and dreadful...


"How about we do something today, all of us?" Bruce asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. His eyes then landed on Loki. "You too," he then added. We continued to walk towards where we had parked our cars at a clearing.

"I'm not really in the mood," I responded as we came to a stop in front of Tony, Steve, Clintasha (that's what I've decided to call them now), Thor and Jared. They all glanced up at us, and offered me sincere smiles.

"That's the whole point, Rin Tin TIn." Tony said, obviously trying to lighten up the mood.

I raised an eyebrow. "Rin Tin TIn?"

"That's your new nickname from me. You're welcome!" He chirped, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans. I was shocked. I wasn't too fond over the nickname, but the fact that he gave me a nickname was a bit meaningful.

"You should be happy. I believe your nickname is the best out of all of us," Steve commented with a small smile. Thor who stood by him, nodded. "Point break," he huffed, disapprovingly.

"Was that a smile about to happen?" Clint teased. Natasha smiled brightly, motioning for me to do the same and I gave out a light chuckle. My eyes wandered off to Jared who remained silent, deep in thought. They then landed on Loki who gave my  hand a tight, reassuring squeeze. I took a deep breath and managed a small smile. "Where to?"

"That's my girl!" Bruce grinned, patting me on the shoulder. Everyone then glanced at Tony and seemed to watch him expectantly. I was confused, and Tony seemed to be as well. He glanced around as if to confirm that everyone was indeed staring at him. When he realized we were, he seemed to have a brain fart because it was clearly written on his face. "Oh...right! We are going to Shawarma’s."

He then grinned at me. "And we are also going to go somewhere else...somewhere far, far away."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Where?"

"The happiest place on earth!" He beamed.

"S.T.A.R.K building?" I mumbled, still confused. Why can't he just tell me? It's not like its a surprise; if it were, he wouldn't have told me to begin with. Tony's grin widened and he nodded, agreeing with me perhaps. I playfully rolled my eyes, and Bruce 'coughed' at the same time Clint cleared his throat. "The second happiest place on earth." Tony said. Like that's any help...

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