Slow Adjustments.

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 Slow Adjustments.

         I hadn't moved from my spot when I heard wheels driving through the gravel. Knowing S.H.I.E.L.D, I figured they would send some people over as soon as possible, considering the high frequency the portal must've released. I didn't bother to look up, feeling an ache in my chest.

             I didn't get to say goodbye...

          "I want this area searched..." The voice trailed off. It took me awhile to recognize it as Maria Hill's. Footsteps approached me, stopping once they were right in front of me. Her light gray eyes took me in, seizing me up and down in alarm. "Eryn?"


           "She hasn't spoken since I've found her, but I decided not to question her, not knowing what state she is in.  All I want to know is if he will come back." 

              "Alright. I'll ask her about it and let you all know."

           I froze for a moment, recognizing the voice in the other room. After landing in New Mexico, Maria had escorted me straight to New York and as soon as I arrived, I was immediately ushered to S.H.I.E.L.D's infirmary to be checked up. I wasn't able to leave until they were sure I hadn't caught anything from Asgard or had a concussion. The only thing broken about me right now was my heart, but unfortunately, there was no medicine for that...

          "Bruce!" I cried in relief, running into the room and into his arms. I know I shouldn't have barged in like that -considering the fact that Bruce is often considered to be a walking time bomb-, but I couldn't care less about that. All I cared about was my uncle. I dug my head into his chest, stifling my sobs as he wrapped his arms around me.

               "Eryn." He replied.

               "I'll leave you two be." Maria spoke, quietly leaving the room.

           "I'm so glad you're back. I was so worried you wouldn't and that you were being held there against your will." Bruce admitted as he pulled me away to examine my face carefully. His eyebrows furrowed and he began to frown. "Did he hurt you?"

           "No." I replied. Removing his hands from my face, I glanced around, noticing the cameras. "I don't want to talk about it here. I want to go home."


        Even though I was only gone for days, it felt like I was gone for weeks. It was strange finally being back at my appartment, but it felt good to be back even though I didn't leave on good terms. Everything was just like I'd left it -only cleaner- and I knew it must've been Bruce. He was a clean freak.

          I decided to make Bruce wait and take a shower, eager to get this Asgardian clothing off. I was currently wearing a dress and as much as it was pretty, it was no match for the comfortable pair of sweatpants I had waiting in my drawer for me.

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