Chapter 8 ~ Small World

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- Elizabeth Gillies as Kath    

- Callan McAuliffe as Ron



The painful pounding of my head woke me up from my deep sleep. 

"Goodness, what happened last night?" I whispered to myself. Hopefully, nothing too bad. I thought. 

I was still wearing the clothes I wore from last night. Fortunately, I didn't do anything to damage them. I quickly took them off, threw them in the hamper and went to the bathroom to have a nice shower.  

The shower did close to nothing, to lessen the pounding in my head. I knew what one margarita does to me, much less four of them. I could barely even keep my eyes open while waiting for Mae to serve breakfast. I sat on one the the tall chairs in front of the kitchen counter. I took a sip of the tea and my God, did that brighten everything up. 

"How are you feeling?" Mae said, her lips in a tight line so a smile couldn't escape from them. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Go on ahead. Laugh all you want." I said flatly. 

"Oh, don't be like that." she said, a tease in her tone. " You had fun and that's all that matters, right?" she said batting her eyelashes, exaggerating it. I held up my hand in front of her and closed my eyes tight.

"Do not even start with me, I am telling you." I said in a stern voice.  

"Alright, just eat then." she said, merrily. 

"Thank you and that's more like it." I tried to force a weak smile. "How come you're not as wasted as I am?" I asked in between bites.

"Because I know how to stop when I'm feeling tipsy." she said in the verge of laughter. Thankfully, she knew how to hold it in. 

"Wrong question." I said under my breath. She giggled in amusement. 

"Are you going to sleep in today?" she asked.

"No, you know I can't take being here all day." 

"Okay then. Finish up quickly, alright."

"Yes m'lady." I said formally to which she informally rolled her eyes at. I did as I was told and we headed out to walk to our lectures. We said our see you later's and parted ways. 

------------AFTER 2 HOURS OF LECTURES--------------

I walk out of the building and I saw him. That bastard. I walked up to the bench that he was sitting on and stopped in front of him, my hands on either side of my waist, my eyebrows raised to try and intimidate him. He looked up, shock dancing in his eyes. It went away as quickly as it came, one of the things he was good at was regaining his composure easily.  

"Fancy meeting you, Kath" he said with a relaxed smile. Was my negative energy really not seeping into him? 

"Yeah, fancy that, Ron." I said with extreme irate. "What are you trying to do, huh?" I questioned like those cops would in an interrogation.

"Trying to eat a sandwich." he held up and waved the sandwich that was in his hands. I rolled my eyes, infuriated. The way he acts so innocently gets in my nerves. I slapped the sandwich away from his hands. "Woah, what did the sandwich ever do to you?" he said with an effortless smile. I leaned in closer. 

"Wipe that smile off of your face and spill the beans, big boy." I said through gritted teeth. He stood up and our faces were centimeters apart. 

"I would but I have no beans to spill." he whispered. I tensed up. I couldn't take him being so near me. I pushed him away with all the effort I could manage.

"Really?" I narrowed my eyes. "So you just randomly pop out here and hit on my best friend? What game are you trying to play?" I said, not buying any of his crap. 

"Look, I didn't know she was your best friend here at Uni and I didn't even know you were studying here. So, I don't know what game you're talking about." he said smoothly and clearly. I took a huge gulp.  Was this for real? "Wait, let me guess what you were thinking." I tried to say something but he beat me to it. "Did you think that I was getting close to her just so we can, I don't know, reunite?" he said, nonchalantly. I avoided his stare, not saying a word. "I thought there was no problem between us after that meeting we had last night." 

"Listen, I don't trust you after what you did to me. So, I'd like for you to stay away from her from now on." I said sternly, not letting him see me crack. "And don't bring up the past, okay." and I stormed off. 

"I think she can make up her own mind!" he called out. "And I wasn't the one who started it, hun!" he called out again and I stopped on my tracks. I was forcing myself not to turn back and give him the satisfaction he was looking for. I continued to walk but he caught up with me. 

"Don't you think this is quite weird, though?" he asked with that same casual smile.

"I think that you should leave me alone." I snapped back.

"Us meeting here.. " he said as if I hadn't made a remark. "I think Fate is doing it's job." he said. I didn't even bother to answer back. I was just making my hangover worse.  "I'll leave you now, bye love!" he said in an awfully, annoying, cheery tone.

I practically stomped back home. I was in such a bad mood that if I went to class I might shout at somebody for just breathing next to me. 

That jerk! Hitting on my best friend and then telling me some Fate bullshit. I thought while I threw myself on my bed. Everything was great 'til the world became a smaller place, to be honest. Why can't distance do it's job right now?



Hi!!! :DDD This chapter is a bit of a cough up. I just really wanted to write a chapter narrated by Kath since I like writing her character... :DDD So sorry about not having enough Finn and Mae moments... Or plainly just not having a lot of Finn in the past 2 chapters... :DDD 

I promise you, there will be lots and lost more in the upcoming chaps... :DDD 

Bye!!! :DDD 

P.S. I lied... I only wrote this to vent out all my anger because Playlist Live is happening right now and so many fucking beautiful people are in one fucking place and I am no where even fucking near it and just fuck my life and fuck that innocent duck and I am so emotionally unstable right now, don't even dare breathe the same air as I am or I will catapult your ass into oblivion. 

P.P.S Someone catapult me to Orlando, Florida right now... this is just the beginning, though... We still got VidCon coming up and I don't think I can recover that quickly... 

P.P.P.S See that little search bar for Wattpad up right there? Go on ahead and search KathyPotterhead and read her stories... :DDD What are you still doing reading this??? You should be reading her story... Go!!! :DDD 

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