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You bet your ass this is important stuff because this is in bold and italic so listen up. Also, I hope you think I'm serious right now because I didn't put any smileys there because I am as serious as a 4"8 girl can be. 

So there's this thing going on about "Jack and Finn are rude." Let me just share some of my insights about this issue that shouldn't even be brought up.

First thing you need to do is click the external link button so that you know what the fuck I'm talking about. It's the video that brought this whole issue up. Also, while you're there go on ahead and read the comments. Don't worry I'll give you time.

Done? I hope so because now you have to listen to me. 

So if you read the comments there are a lot of people saying that they were rude or Finn was rude. First of all, they most definitely not rude they were just caught by surprise and taken aback and they knew that something would go on because they were in a public place. I mean, they were in a restaurant for crying out loud!

They knew y'all couldn't stay there long not because of the fact that there was an apparent snowstorm going on but because some restaurant goers who certainly had the right to complain about girls blocking the way might come and shout at y'all or maybe the guards might call you off. In this case, both happened.

You can't blame 'em and you most absolutely cannot complain about it. Jack and Finn were nothing but nice. Maybe Finn was a bit reluctant but give the guy a break because he fucking deserves it. He's a busy lad, going all over New York, managing a channel and all the things he has to handle that we probably don't know about and there was a freaking snowstorm, won't that put you off? He's a busy lad and if you don't agree then get the flippin flapjacks away from here because I will build a bridge for you to jump off of.

Anyway, they're busy lads and they can't simply lend all of their time to you because unlike us they don't just stare at their computer screens watching videos on youtube and drooling over hot youtubers. Can't we just be thankful of the fact that they lend some of their time to us even though it's the tiniest bit of their time? Couldn't you just be grateful because you technically breathed the same air as they did and therefor are indirectly kissing? (Maybe that was a tad obsurd. Scrath that!)

Now, if you're one of those people who says that Jack and Finn are rude because the way you met them wasn't what you were expecting then honey, just sit down. What were you expecting? Have a long chat with them then be best friends and swap phone numbers then fall in love? Maybe the long chat isn't impossible but come on! Just don't expect too much because you may say stuff that are really bad or wrong or both.

Also to those who are part of the above, just calm your tits down, get your laptop go on to youtube, watch some (or all) of their vids again and contemplate and be freakin' grateful on the fact that these beautiful creatures are real and free for you to stare at anytime and anywhere you want and because you can fangirl because of them. 

Overall, I think this issue was just a result of people not getting their way and lack of understanding. I don't care if I get hate or all the bad stuff because you have no right to judge them or anyone without stepping into their shoes or knowing what is running in their minds. 

 I'm through sooo... Bye!!! :DDD 

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