Buses, trains, and accidents

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We went went through airport security for the second time before leaving the airport, mum says that we are looking for a bus of some type to take us to the train station.

You and Nia are sitting in the bus shelter waiting for our bus, apparently it should be here in 10 minutes according to the timetable, most of it has been Nia teasing you for messing and wetting a pink girly night-time pull-up on the plane, it's just constant,

Kevin is a baby Kevin is a baby

Haha you completely filled a pull-up on a plane

Ha you are baby girl wearing a girl's night-time pull-up after you got changed by mum haha.

Then Mum came in and tells her to stop, and she does.

Eventually the bus arrives (10 minutes late)
And we get on it, I choose a seat at the back next to the window l, Nia sits Infront of me also in a window seat, while mum sits across the aisle.

After a while on the bus you begin to need to pee, you put your legs together, desperate for the toilet, your mum notices this and says, hey Kevin, do you need the toilet?

You reply, yes

We will nearly be there, only 5 more minutes, or if you want, you can just use your pull-up, that's what there for,
Nia has done it before when we go out.

No thanks, I will try and hold it,


You desperately try and hold it, eventually you get there, you immediately run for the bathroom, but you are unsuccessful, right when you get to the toilet your bladder completely lets go, you quickly rush and a tiny bit gets into the toilet, but most of it is in your know wet pull-up,

You walk out, and mum asks,
Did you make it?

You say yes, not wanting to get changed again and get teased by Nia more.

Mum brings you and Nia to a bench while you wait for the train, when you sit down you feel the pee in your pull-up squish up on your butt,
It felt weird.

Mum brings you and Nia to a bench while you wait for the train, when you sit down you feel the pee in your pull-up squish up on your butt,It felt weird

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Mum I need the toilet! Nia says,
Me too says mum, Kevin you wait here while me and Nia use the bathroom

You sit there, taking large sips of drink while you wait for Nia and mum, they then came out of the bathroom and pointed look it's our train!

You all start running and luckily you are able to get the right train,

1 hour later

You have been on the train for 1 hour, you have another 2 hours on the train

You begin to get a feeling in your bladder, it's clear you need to pee,
You go up to the toilet, but its locked, there's someone in it, you sit back down, hoping that the person finishes before it's too late, but that never happens, you put your legs together to try and hold, but it is no use, what starts as a small trickle of pee turns into a small spurts of pee, that then turns into a full on pull-up soaking stream, as you uncontrollably soak your pull-up.

Then you watch as Nia walks out of the bathroom you tried to enter, but you are quickly distracted from that by a damp feeling on your legs, you pat around on your trousers, then it hit you.....

Your pull-up Leaked!

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