At the park with Don Pt1

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You (alongside Nia and Don) enter the park. Wowing at all the attractions, you and Don are primarily focused on the rides, however Nia has seen something else that catches her fancy...

"Ice Cream!" She yells, running over to Mum to ask if she can have one.

"Oh, alright" Mum responds, "Kevin, do you want one too?" She asks

"Of course!" You respond.

Nia runs to the ice cream shop and you follow behind. By the time you and mum get there she has already chosen. You quickly upon arrival scan the sign to decide which one you want. Don is also allowed one and he quickly picks. You then choose yours (mint choc chip) and Mum then orders you and Nia's ice creams. Don and his mum then order separately and upon you all receiving your orders you all walk along towards one of the many roller-coasters in the park.

Upon reaching the entrance of the ride Don's mum says "Not starting small, huh?"

"Oh trust me, compared to a lot of other stuff in this park, this is small" Don replies confidently.

"Oh okay then" She replies

"Hey mum look I'm tall enough to go on the ride!" Nia says, standing in front of the scale.

"Oh do you uh, wanna go on something else so we don't have to ride with her" You quietly ask Don

"Nah, realistically this is one of the few rides we actually want to go on that she'll be able to go on so it's not gonna matter much in the grand scheme of things, and the ride is two seats per row so it's not like we're gonna have to be right next to her or anything" Don responds

"Oh I guess that makes sense" you respond.

You, Don and Nia all quickly gobble down the remainders of your ice creams so you can get on the ride quickly. Once you, Nia and Don have finished eating you all join the queue, which luckily (largely due to how early in the morning this is) is fairly small.

After waiting in the queue for a bit, you suddenly begin to feel the need to pee. You don't wanna pee while in the queue as you're worried it would be too obvious, so you decide that your gonna wait till you can get off the ride before you let it out into your diaper.

By the time you reach the end of the queue your body is really desperate to pee, and it's hard to subtly hold it in but you are able to, at least for now.

Finally you are able to get on the ride, you and Don are able to take the front seats and Nia chooses to sit near the back. The handlebars soon come down, locking you in place.

The ride then starts moving, soon reaching a decent speed, it then quickly speeds up and begins going through multiple turns, and goes up and down small hills. All the excitement causes you to stop focusing on your bladder and enjoy the ride. Unfortunately this turned out to be a big mistake as the ride then suddenly does a sudden rapid increase in speed and goes through a turn in massive speed. All this causes your bladder to let go, causing pee to suddenly soak the diaper.

As your bladder continues to empty itself into the diaper and the ride begins to slow down, you look around to see if it looks like anybody had noticed. Luckily it seems like everyone (including Don) was and still is too focused on the ride to notice what was happening.

You breath a sigh of relief as the ride slows down, although the fact that you've already wet the diaper and the day has only just started, is a bit worrying given that you are not going to be getting a change for quite a while.

The ride then stops completely and the bars go up, allowing you and everybody else to leave the ride. Once you have stood up, Don, looking out towards other, larger rides, asks "So, what next?"

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