Chapter 4: The Boy Who Trapped The Girl

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Aemond thought seeing the angry, yet fearful look in his nephews' eyes again at the trial would be enough to hold him over, but it wasn't.

There was still one bastard missing.

The trial was going as his mother and grandfather planned. Vaemond made a convincing case, though it wasn't really necessary to anyone. Everyone knew Jacerys was a bastard. He was no trueborn Velaryon.

While the one eyed prince relished in the soon enough victory, his eye wandered the court aimlessly. There was a lady luring towards the back, who caught his eye instantly. He didn't recognize her as a lady from court.

She wore a pale lavender coat with silver chains that wrapped around her waist over a low cut purple gown, with a chunky metallic necklace that covered her revealed sternum. She stood all by herself, mostly glancing over at Rhaenyra and her family.

Then it hit him.


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It had to be her. She had the same natural pout she always wore as a child, but to his surprise she didn't look miserable or even scared. If anything she looked calm, unlike her family. Except for their uncle, Prince Daemon, who more so looked bored or annoyed to be there.

The doors opened abruptly as Rhaenyra took her place in the center to plead her case, revealing King Viserys making his way to his throne. The whole room was stunned, to say the least.

Aemond was beyond irritated that his time for revenge wouldn't be now. His nephew would be given his stupid title over Vaemond, Rhaenyra and her family would be safe, and his niece would once again get away without answering for her crimes against him.

Viserys, as expected, did defend Jace as the heir to Driftmark. What no one saw coming was how Vaemond would openly declare Rhaenyra's children as bastards, and Rhaenyra as a whore. It brought a smile to Aemond's face. Sure the man would soon lose his tongue, but at least somebody finally said it. And in front of the whole court? That would have to suffice for the prince.

His eye wandered back over to where Naerys stood, but this time she was looking right at him. She quickly looked away and went back to looking up at his father as he stood to announce that he would have Vaemond's tongue.

Then all hells broke loose.

A sword sliced right through Vaemond's head, severing half of it completely. The man's body fell, revealing Daemon standing proudly behind him with Dark Sister resting in front of him. Aemond's hand instinctively reached for his sword as everyone screamed and gasped at the horrifying sight.

Then his eye found Naerys once more and she was covering her mouth, trying not to laugh. What a cruel, vicious bastard she was. Laughing at a man dying for telling the truth. For dying in such a gruesome, public manner. But why was she laughing? Why did she look happy? She was supposed to be a miserable mess now.

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