Chapter 30: The Boy Who Forgave The Girl

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The streets were crowded, filled with drunken beggars and peasants Aemond would grimace at as his older brother dragged him along the way. Aemond already wasn't interested in Aegon's surprise gift for his thirteenth nameday.

He just wanted to go back to his chambers and be alone.

Aegon was relentless though, and wouldn't take no as an answer from his younger brother. Their mother told Aegon to make his brother's nameday special and memorable.

Aegon would certainly make it memorable for Aemond.

"Where are we?" Aemond muttered as they approached two large doors. Aegon grabbed onto the handle, banging it repeatedly as loud as he could.

Aegon grinned, wrapping an uncomfortably tight arm around Aemond's shoulder. "Time to get it wet."

The doors opened, revealing glimpses of giggling, half naked women with men twice their own ages. An older woman answered the door with a sultry smile on her face as she looked from both hooded princes.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your company this evening, my prince?" The woman asked Aegon as she leaned against the door, sneaking glances at the smaller boy beside him.

Aegon handed the woman a fat pouch of gold, then gave a hard pat on Aemond's back. "Time to make my brother a man. None of the ladies of court want him, but perhaps some of your girls could...keep him company."

Aemond glanced past the woman just as he saw a blonde girl close her door, wiping white globs from her mouth and chin.

He shifted uncomfortably, finally realizing what was going on. It wasn't exactly what he had in mind for his first, but Aemond worried this would be all he would ever know in his life. Most people were afraid or too repulsed to even look at him, let alone be around him.

The woman inspected the inside of the pouch before looking down at Aemond with a sly grin. "I've got just the girls for you, little prince."

Aegon cleared his throat, regaining the woman's gaze once more as he raised his eyebrows. "And for me?"

"Right this way." The woman turned around, waving the boys to follow. Aegon was grinning from ear to ear as he looked around at the women they'd pass.

Aemond would look up every now and then, but his eye would immediately shoot back towards his feet. He pulled his hood down further to cover his face. He felt like everyone was looking at him, wanting a glimpse of the monster kept hidden away in the Red Keep.

"Make me proud, brother." Aegon snickered before shoving Aemond into a room and locking the door behind the one eyed prince.

Aemond scoffed as he shook the handle, but it was useles.

Then he heard giggling behind him, making him turn around and see two older women lying on a bed. One blonde, one raven haired. Aemond recognized one of them from earlier as the girl he saw wiping her mouth. Now it was his turn to be disgusted as he looked at the girl.

"Our mistress tells us a prince is in distress." The blonde girl smiled.

"Get out." That was all Aemond could get out.

The girls giggled more, hopping up from the bed as they slowly strutted towards him. He backed up towards the door, more squeamish towards the blonde girl who was closer to him.

"Prince Aegon was very clear in his orders, my prince." The raven haired girl grinned and Aemond thought he was going to throw up when he finally saw the severely crooked, yellow teeth in her mouth.

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