Chapter 34: The Boy Who Was Full of Surprises

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"Not a single raven since we've left and now she's missing?!" Daemon's fists tightened over the scroll as his eyes twitched with rage reading every last word from Mysaria.

"We don't know she's missing, my love. Just that she's not within the Red Keep." Rhaenyra tried calming her husband as best as she could, mostly to distract her own anxiety. She worried Naerys was missing, but she couldn't fathom the idea of losing her daughter, her only daughter.

Daemon's head snapped towards her, eyes widened with a scoff as he held up the letter. "What's the fucking difference?!"

She let out a frustrated sigh, pinching at the bridge of her nose as she collected her thoughts. She didn't think Alicent would be so bold to harm Naerys, knowing what would be coming for them miles away. "Have you heard word from any of your gold cloaks?"

He sucked at his teeth, slightly shaking his head. "Only that she was last seen at the Lannister feast with that cyclops."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "That was days ago..."

"I'm going to find her." His hand gripped tightly onto the pommel of Dark Sister as he marched towards the door.

"No, stop!" She commanded and he froze in his steps, slowly turning on his heel with a deranged look in his eyes. If Naerys was fine, she didn't want war to come from their impulsive actions. She would be a better Queen than that. She would consider the cost before she struck. "Send word to Mysaria to find out what's happened and to send your gold cloaks to find her. If she is confirmed as missing, then we will fly to King's Landing. Until then, you and I are to remain on Dragonstone."

"That's it?" His eyes narrowed as he stomped towards her with madness rattling in his head. He knew something was wrong, he could feel it. He knew Naerys wasn't safe from the moment her betrothal was announced, but to receive confirmation of his fears so suddenly was tearing him apart. "Naerys hasn't been seen in days, nor has that prick or his sister and her children, yet you expect me to what? Sit here and pray to a ridiculous pointed star for her return?!"

"I expect you to show some restraint for once!" She matched his tone, lifting her chin with her jaw clenched tightly. "I will not have you burn King's Landing to the ground because you believe harm has befallen upon my daughter."

He straightened up, hands folded in front of him as he spoke in a low, threatening voice. "She is my daughter as well, Nyra."

They stood in silence, neither backing down from their convictions, completely unaware of the ears pressed up to their door listening in. The guards at their door thought the two princes were sweet and merely curious like always.

"We have to get our sister back." Joffrey urged with pleading eyes as he looked up at his older brother for support.

Luke's eyebrows knitted together while his mind was spiraling into all the horrible possibilities his sister could have possibly endured. With a small sigh and slight nod of his head, Luke pulled away from the door and gave his little brother a weak smile. "Then you need to listen to what I say. If you don't, this won't work."

"Of course! What shall I do? How do we get her back, brother?" Joffrey's blind determination was always something they all admired, but Luke especially.

Luke remembered what it was like to not be the little brother he should've been. He'd never let Joffrey make that same mistake.

"Can you keep our family distracted until I return?" Luke asked as they stormed through the halls and Joffrey nodded quickly.

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