Chapter 13: The Girl Who Couldn't Stop Thinking About The Boy

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Naerys' hands flew over her ears at the loud clinking sound coming from the window in front of her. The curtains were ripped open abruptly with the sun shining brightly onto her face, forcing her to shut her eyes tightly. The blankets were ripped from her along with any pillows for her to hide under.

"STOP!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and suddenly the noise stopped and the door shut. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she trembled.

Her head felt like it was about to be split open.

Her eyes slowly opened, adjusting just barely to the light where now a figure stood in front of. A tall, slender figure with silver hair and a prominent patch.

"What is your problem?!" She snapped.

"Good morning, wife." Aemond half grinned down at her with his dagger in his hand.

"What is the matter with you?!" She sat up, slowly catching her breath.

Her stomach felt like it was doing cartwheels.

He stomped loudly towards the foot of the bed, enjoying her wincing with each thud. Serves her right for getting piss drunk. He turned to face her, twirling his dagger slowly in his hand.

She was more annoyed than anything, but her head was killing her and her entire body felt sore all around.

"Just who do you think you are to throw yourself around like some common whore?" He asked in a calm, low voice.

Her eyebrows raised as she scoffed. "Who I choose to spend my time with is of no concern of yours."

"See, that's where you're wrong." He pointed the dagger at her tauntingly, but she just crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows. "You are my wife."

"Only in name." She arched her eyebrow at him and he lowered the blade at his side, gripping it tightly as the whites of his knuckles poked through.

"That alone is reason enough. Perhaps you might remember whispers that floated around the realm when your mother decided to whore herself to Ser Harwin Strong." He spat and she lunged for his throat, not even caring for the dagger at his side. Her hand wrapped around his neck just as his free hand grabbed her other wrist, forcing it away while his dagger came in front of her throat.

His upper lip snarled just slightly as her eyes were wide with rage. She tried tightening her grip around his throat, which made him press the blade against her flesh. Her eyes never left his as she pressed her neck into the blade as she squeezed harder. 

Aemond's eye widened just slightly when he saw the blood begin to appear and felt the air leave his throat. What was happening to him? Why did he like her hand around his throat? Why did seeing her so willing to bleed make the blood rush to his face?

Naerys could feel his breath leave him, fanning her face and she couldn't deny, his scent was intoxicating. She couldn't help herself when she leaned in towards his blade. She didn't care about the pain, it did little to bother her. She could feel a familiar warmth building in her core. Why was she feeling like this? She hated him, even when they were children.

He could feel the swelling growing, and quickly too, so he shoved her away and turned to head towards the door. "Don't ever let me catch you with another man again and that's final."

The door slammed behind him, leaving her confused and defeated. She was just lonely, that's all. It didn't mean anything anyways. But why did she want him back in that room? Him specifically.

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