Chapter 24: The Girl Who Was Falling

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Naerys had only made it down two flights of stairs by the time she noticed the sound of clinking armor that never went away. She'd grown used to hearing the kingsguard in the halls, even as a child, but this was different. When she moved, the clinking would continue nearby. When she'd stop, nothing.

She turned around to see where the noise was coming from, but she wouldn't see any guard around. As she turned a corner, she caught a glimpse of a familiar knight lingering down the hall, heading towards her direction. She recognized the knight immediately, mostly. He was one of the Cargyll twins that had been sent after her in Flea Bottom.

The problem was that she had no idea which one he was, and she wasn't quite sure if she could trust him or not. After all, the last time he followed her it was at Aemond's request. Was that still the case for now?

"Niece!" Helena beamed across the hall with the twins walking beside her and little Maelor on her hip. Two guards hung behind Helaena while a maid followed off to her side with the twins. Naerys jumped at the sudden announcement of her aunt, but then smiled when she saw the sight before her. The twins were walking hand in hand, giggling and babbling mindlessly while Maelor played with Helaena's necklace. "I had hoped to see you before the feast. I was just taking the children to the shores if you'd like to join us."

"I..." Naerys stammered at first, glancing over her shoulder and seeing the hints of armor peeking out from the corner at the end of the hall. She turned back to her aunt with a tight smile and nodded. "I'd be delighted, princess."

"What?! Is this a jest? No!" Aemond scoffed, turning away from his mother as he threw on a loose, black tunic.

"It is a fair compromise, Aemond!" Alicent protested while throwing her hands up in the air, frustrated her son was being so unreasonable.

"For who? Hmm? Aegon? Honestly, mother, do you ever think to tell him no? Or is that why he doesn't understand what that word means now?" He bitterly asked. Once again he had to endure his brother being favored over everyone else.

"How dare you! After everything I've done for you and your brothers-!" Alicent raised her voice, marching towards him.

"Hmmm, notice how you never mention your daughter when you use that excuse." He rolled his eye and was met with a harsh slap across the face, leaving a stinging sensation along his scar. He winced at his throbbing scar, but clenched his jaw as he glared down at his mother.

There was a deranged look in the queen's brown eyes. One usually saved for Aegon, but had been reserved quite nicely for Aemond as of late. "One more word and I will send you right where you left your brother to rot."

He pressed his lips into a tight line, grumbling as he went over to the balcony to lean over with his head hung. He'd barely glanced down below, but something caught his eye instantly. He saw two silver children running along the sands being chased after by a dark haired figure. Naerys.

She always had an apprehension towards being around Helaena's children, and he understood why, but she looked as if she was having the time of her life with little Jaehaerys and Jaehaera. Helaena was catching up to them with Maelor at her side and her usual guards and maid with her, but he couldn't look away from Naerys.

He watched as she splashed water towards the giggling twins. A warmth began to grow in his chest. One he'd only felt as of recent, the first time being when he'd heard a little whimper from his frightened wife as he was beating his brother into a pulp.

It was hard for Aemond to process what had been growing between him and Naerys. He should be hating her, encouraging her life to get worse, but instead he'd grown to care for her. It only made his guilt weigh heavier on his mind and heart.

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