Chapter 27: The Boy Under Scrutiny

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A small supper with only family.

That was all Naerys would allow for her thirteenth nameday celebration. She wanted no feast, no tourney, nothing.

She'd tried persuading Daemon to speak with her mother about not allowing Jace to come. He told her if she wanted Jace to leave, then that was her battle to pick. Not his or her mother's. Then he proceeded to knock her sword out of her hand. Again.

The past year she'd trained with him, but she was still dreadful in a duel. Though it was a vast improvement from where she used to be now that her instructor actually paid attention to her.

But it was yet another reason for Jace's resentment to return towards his sister. Daemon never showed any disdain towards Jace, but he certainly didn't care for Jace the way he cared for Naerys.

Another father she'd steal all for herself while he was left to the side, forgotten. And now his mother also favored Naerys as well, ever since her "innocent little girl" took their uncle's eye.

He'd made it his personal mission to remind everyone of what a fraud his sister was. He remembered the look they exchanged. Though if his sister wasn't so useless with a weapon, she might've killed Aemond as they intended.

So he would brag of that night and how vicious Naerys was. He'd laugh about the way their uncle sobbed on the ground, but then would tease Naerys for the way she whimpered through her never ending tears the wounded boy's name as he was carried away.

She hated Jace for the way he dangled that over her head daily. For one night she wished to be free from the burden of his presence.

But she could never find the courage or even the tolerance to say anything to her brother.

So instead Jace was now sitting across from his sister, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else. Naerys had been quiet, mostly polite the entire supper, but she couldn't wait to leave. As per usual, her brother had been his usual horrid self, standing on thin ice with every snide remark that would slip under the radar for the table. Most of the table, at least.

"What say after supper we all fly? The skies are clear." Jace suggested to his mother. The smug look in his eyes only grew when he saw the eye roll from his sister.

Rhaenyra snuck a glance towards Naerys, and shook her head softly. "Perhaps another time, Jace."

Jace groaned. "But it's the perfect night!"

"I just flew with Arrax, brother. He's sleeping now." Luke chimed in with a small smile before he looked next to his sister. He couldn't wait for Arrax to be big enough to saddle two. He knew how upset Naerys used to be over never having a dragon, he couldn't imagine that being any different now.

"But, mother, I-." Jace whined, but was swiftly cut off.

"It is your sister's nameday. Another time, Jacerys." Rhaenyra said more sternly as Jace slumped back in his chair with defeat.

Daemon snuck a glance over at the eldest Velaryon boy, but decided not to say anything as he tossed a grape into his mouth.

"Cunt." Naerys mumbled just loud and clear enough for everyone to hear.

Rhaenyra's cutlery slammed against the table as her violet eyes widened towards her daughter. "Naerys Velaryon!"

"What?! It's true!" Naerys protested before looking back over at Jace, who was snickering under the hand covering his mouth.

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