Chapter 46: The Boy Who Confessed His Sins

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TW: Death, PTSD, Anxiety Attack.

Aegon sat on the throne, smirking down at the three chained prisoners below, surrounded by guards. He'd kept silent as his men explained their intention to murder him and Aemond, who stood off to the side with their mother and Ser Cole.

It was comical for the usurper to even picture the two Dornish princesses getting away with such a heinous act against their family. All for them to end up as his prisoners. His eyes were fixated on the younger princess, remembering how she didn't even hesitate to attack him after her first visit to King's Landing. What divine justice that gods brought him.

What struck the false king odd was the unknown man they'd brought along with them. He didn't recognize the man at all, and he certainly knew it wasn't their late brother making an appearance. But Aegon remembered whispers from the guards upon his brother and wife's return from Dorne.

'She was awfully cozy with one of their own.'

'Looked like he was more her husband than you, Your Grace.'

It had to be the mysterious man his sister-wife clung to in secret. He didn't think Helaena would ever have the audacity to step out on him, but he wouldn't put it past her at this point. He could see the determined hatred swimming in the unknown man's dark eyes, reserved only for Aegon himself.

It had to be him.

That had to have been who defiled his wife.

"You the center..." Aegon pointed down at the man between the two princesses with his eyes narrowed tauntingly. "Your name."

The man clenched his jaw, straightening up as he calmly spoke. "Alleras Sand."

Aegon's eyes widened with delight as he chuckled. "A bastard?!"

Aegon's cackling rang throughout the hall with some other lords and ladies joining, but his mother and brother kept their silence. Aemond avoided looking over towards the princesses, fearing he'd feel the guilt inside him make him snap. Why did they have to come? Why did Aegon have to stop them?

"My, my, my. I see my brother wasn't the only one obsessed with your kind." Aegon smirked down at his brother, completely ignoring the disapproving look from his mother. As he looked back at his prisoners, he noticed the way Alleras tensed with his eyes searching the room. It had to be him Aegon had heard all these vile rumors about. "She's not here, if that's who you're searching for."

Alleras narrowed his eyes, jerking in his chains as if to charge after the false king before him. It only made Aegon laugh more as he watched the three struggle. Aegon looked from each of them, toying with all of the torturous ways he could make an example of the three.

"I've heard some...intriguing tales about you, Sand." Aegon pointed as he leaned forward on the throne. Alleras tensed, but his face showed no fear for one moment. He wouldn't let that man that hurt his little spider for so many years intimidate him.

"As have I." Alleras countered and Aegon's face fell only slightly at the jab. Alleras knew all he had to do was tell the court all the horrendous tales he'd heard from Helaena and the Martell sisters.

Alicent cleared her throat nervously as she turned towards her eldest with concern in her eyes. "Perhaps it would be wise not to settle matters over mindless gossip of others and merely the issue at hand, Your Grace."

Aegon's eyes narrowed with slight hesitation in them while Alleras' held a daring look in his. The baker knew the three of them could easily turn the whole room on their king if they knew of his true vile nature. Aegon patted the arms of the throne, wincing when he felt a slight knick at his wrist from one of the blades.

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