Chapter : 03

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As the bride entered the hall, all eyes were drawn to her exquisite beauty

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As the bride entered the hall, all eyes were drawn to her exquisite beauty. Every person present stood in silent awe, mesmerized by her presence. She walked with an air of grace and elegance towards the altar, her mermaid lace gown fitting perfectly to her curvy figure. The intricate details of the lacework, along with the delicate beading, added to the overall allure of her gown. It was clear that every aspect of her appearance had been carefully chosen and meticulously planned. As she glided towards the altar, the excitement in the room was palpable, as this was her first public appearance, and all were eager to witness her radiance.

Marquis Basilisk never let her go outside the mansion. Fearing he thought she would bring disgrace to his name. Because of her birth, the lady of the house died. Soon after, some years passed, and her father followed behind her mother, making her all alone in this world, people treated her like short of a cursed child. Heartbroken, losing both his son and daughter-in-law, he blamed her. She was locked in her own house. So, her appearance was not known. Yet there were various rumors about her.

Numerous rumors were circling about the granddaughter of Marquis Basilisk. Some said she was an unattractive child or too sickly to leave her bed. However, the most prevalent rumor was that she was an illegitimate child of the Basilisk House. But the most gruesome of all the rumors claimed that she had consumed her mother at birth.

The whole kingdom was thrown into a frenzy when the news of the union between the two dominant houses spread like wildfire.

The air was filled with excitement and anticipation as everyone eagerly awaited the fateful day. All attention was focused on the main character of the event, and as she made her entrance, all eyes were on her. Any rumors about her being unattractive or unwell were quickly dispelled as she revealed herself in all her glory. Women were envious of her flawless beauty, and men were entranced by her captivating aura. The moment was truly unforgettable.

Her eyes widen a bit seeing him. As the writer wrote about his countenance - "His face possessed striking good looks, exuding an air of cool confidence. His eyes, sharp and piercing, shone with a deep red hue reminiscent of a precious ruby. His black hair was as dark as the night sky and framed his broad shoulders perfectly, accentuating his well-proportioned physique." He was wearing a navy blue color outfit that looked similar to the military dress that, making his appearance even more attractive. But gods, it was compatible for him.

The bride glided gracefully towards the groom and stood beside him. The priest commenced the ceremony, and the air was filled with anticipation and excitement. The flower girls, with their innocent faces and beautiful dresses, approached the couple, carrying a basket adorned with laces and petals, which held the precious wedding rings. As the couple exchanged vows, the groom placed his thumb on the corner of the bride's lips and tenderly kissed her, but to the onlookers, it appeared as if they were kissing. The moment was magical, and it seemed like time had paused to witness the union of two souls.

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