Chapter : 05

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As Arya strolled through the Duke's garden, her senses were immediately captivated by the vivid colors and delightful fragrances of the various flowers in bloom

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As Arya strolled through the Duke's garden, her senses were immediately captivated by the vivid colors and delightful fragrances of the various flowers in bloom. The cool breeze that blew across her face made her grateful for the shawl she had brought along to keep her shoulders warm. She took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the garden, when suddenly, a gust of wind carried the sweet scent of roses and chrysanthemums towards her. She breathed in deeply, savoring the delicate aroma. As she continued her walk, she noticed a stunning patch of purple pansies that covered almost a whole corner of the garden. She stopped to take a closer look, admiring their vibrant, velvety petals and intricate patterns. The sight of these flowers triggered a cherished childhood memory for Arya, evoking a sense of nostalgia and joy.

'The autumn breeze was blowing on that particular afternoon. A young girl was sitting on her knees, her face downcast with sadness, as she gazed at the delicate flowers before her. Suddenly, a stunning woman appeared, her silver hair flowing in the wind like silk, a gentle and affectionate smile on her lips, and her deep damson eyes shining with love. She looked at the young girl as if she was the most valuable treasure in the world.

The woman gazed upon the little girl, noticing the sadness etched on her face, and gently asked, "My little one, why the sad face?"

With downcast eyes, the child replied, "Nobody plays with me, mama. Even you are so busy that you don't play with me anymore." She crossed her arms and made a face like a squirrel with a mouthful of nuts, her disappointment apparent.

The woman's heart ached at the sight of her child's sadness. She placed her hand on the child's shoulder and said, "My love, you light up my whole world. You are my only treasure, I love you more than anything else in this world. Never forget that I'm always here for you. So, smile, my child. Don't show that sad face. It aches me to see you sad." She then twirled the little girl in the air, and they both laughed heartily.

The garden around them was a sea of colors, with flowers of every hue and fragrance. They stood amidst the purple pansies, their petals soft and velvety to the touch. The woman and the child ran around the garden, playing and enjoying each other's company. The warm sun shone bright, and the gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of the flowers. It was a perfect day for mother and child to bond and create memories that would last a lifetime.'

It seems that Arya was fortunate enough to have experienced some love from her parents, which is something to be grateful for. Despite the challenges she faced, there were also moments of happiness in her life. I find it interesting how Arya and I share some similarities, yet our experiences have been so different.

"Every fall, these flowers must be planted as per the duchess' orders," stated Miya, noticing my interest in the purple pansies.

Examining the flowers, I remarked confidently, "The duchess has a distinct taste in flowers."

Suddenly, the duchess interjected, "Thank you for the compliment, young lady. I appreciate your admiration."

Startled by her sudden appearance, I couldn't help but flinch.

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