Chapter : 82

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At the duchy :

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At the duchy :

In the dead of night, Ivan sat in Arya's chamber, searching desperately for any clue to her whereabouts. Despite his efforts, he found nothing. Even his shadow soldiers, usually reliable spies, failed him; Arya seemed to erase any trace of her existence. Reflecting on his past attempts to observe her, he realized now; how formidable she truly was. Now, grappling with the truth and his feelings for her, Ivan felt a profound sense of struggle.

All along, she had known his truth, and he had foolishly believed in her innocent facade. But could he truly blame her? The sinner was him. In his attempt to eliminate her, he found himself falling for her. Like a ray of sunshine, she illuminated his dark world. Her words, calling him 'grumpy,' echoed bitterly in his heart; he never imagined missing such teasing. She had turned his entire world upside down, yet like a madman, he persisted in searching for clues to find her.

At the Will's residence :

Seated on the sofa, Misham was lost in thought, pondering von, the bird resembling a buoyant fire. Despite encountering von for the first time, he sensed the immense power the bird held. The fire in his room blazed with an intense vitality, consuming everything it touched. The terror he felt surpassed anything he had ever experienced.

Arya noticed the flickering light under the gap of his door and knocked before entering. As she walked in, Misham's gaze was filled with questions, though he remained silent about his concerns. Taking a seat on the sofa, Arya looked at him, recognizing the depth of his bewilderment.

"I've told you before, my path is full of thorns. If you have questions, bury them. Ignorance is foolishness, but too much knowledge may lead to regret. Continue as you have been, leave the rest to me. Don't overthink, don't overquestion. It's for the best," she said, rising to leave. But before departing, she added, "If... if you ever feel your life is in danger, run. No matter where you are or who your opponent might be. Remember to survive, no matter what." Her tone carried a tinge of loneliness and sorrow, as if she were relinquishing his leash. Her eyes held a silent void, as though the light of her life had been snuffed off. "Have a good rest. You'll be busy tomorrow. Good night."

As she left, Misham's gaze remained fixed on the closed door. His master, always radiant with smiles, shining like the brightest star in the sky-was she truly just a lonely person? So vulnerable that she would reveal such fragility? The thought even shocked himself; like the black night sky, it seemed his master had also concealed her sorrows beneath her shadow.

The next morning :

"The preparations have been made, mistress," Julianna said, addressing Arya, "but it's best to depart the day after tomorrow. There are still matters that require your attention." Arya calmly sipped her tea before asking, "Have you notified them about my arrival? It would be quite the hassle if I have to go from house to house, don't you agree?" Julianna replied with a hint of shame, "I did send word, but as I mentioned earlier, they have refused to provide any sort of reply. I feel ashamed, but I cannot assist you in this matter." Arya, sensing urgency, asked, "Hmm, what are the other matters? The faster they are done, the sooner we can depart."

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