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We had just finished rehearsals for our new movie coming the following year and trust me when I said I was so exhausted. Although we didn’t really do much because apparently there was an important football match that they wanted to watch. I wasn’t a huge fan of football but at least I knew what and what was involved. It was the Women’s World Cup Final which was between USA and Y/C/N, everyone was so interested in it.

Just as I got to my trailer to rest before heading home, I saw Scarlett and Florence who were calling me from behind. I loved these two, but they are sometimes a pain in the ass.

“Gal, wait!” I heard Florence shouting to me. I looked behind me and saw them running towards me.

“Where are you going?” Scarlett asked.

“To rest obviously.” I answered her looking confused. They both looked at me like I had two heads when I said that.

Okay what’s going on?

Before I could utter a word, they dragged me along with them, taking me back to the house we were using to shoot the movie. I was too confused to even say anything because I didn’t know why they took me back.

When we got there, I couldn’t recognize the sitting room anymore. It was more spacious and wider because they had removed the seats and everything occupying space. The only thing left was a fancy big rug that filled up the floor and the big LED tv that stayed right in front of the room. I looked at Scarlett and Florence raising my eyebrows to them indirectly asking them as to way they brought me there.

“Oh, you going to watch the match with all of us.” Florence said it like it’s a normal thing.

Wait what!! They brought me here to watch football?!!  What is wrong with them? See what I’m saying-pain in the ass.

My face was already scrunched up in anger when I heard Chris say to me,

“C’mon Gal, you weren’t expecting us to let you be on your own while we all are here watching this. So, grab a drink and sit because you are staying till the end. Lucky for you, it’s half-time.” He grinned as he spoke.

“Before you sit, who are you rooting for?” Scarlett asked. It seemed like everyone was waiting for my answer because they were all looking at me intently.

I didn’t even want to be here and now they are asking me who I was supporting? Really?

“I don’t know. There would definitely be a winner, so what’s the point.” I answered her. From the way she groaned and how everyone just looked at me with weird faces, I knew my answer was not what they were expecting. I internally smiled at that.

For some reason, Scarlett and Chris were arguing about the teams. Whenever I look at them, sometimes I wish I had a friendship like theirs, so childish but at the same time amazing. They were so close and everyone knew how much their friendship meant to them.

Apparently, Scarlett was supporting the other team while Chris as expected was with the United States. The USA were already by two goals before the halftime, which made Chris more confident that they would carry the cup but Scarlett just had this strong belief that Y/C/N would have a great comeback. What was more hilarious was that they both placed a bet on who would eventually win the game.

“You are just trying to give me your money Scar. This is a lost battle and you know it.” Chris was telling Scarlett. 

‘Trust me, once ‘The Half Changer’ comes on, the game would change.” She said already getting pumped for the second half that was about to start.

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