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It’s been two days since I last got a text from Gal, and I’m not exaggerating when I would say, I almost had a heart attack. I still couldn’t believe that she sent me message and acted like we have been texting for a very long time.


Thank you so much for today. I and the kids really had fun. I really hope we could do this sometime again. Hope you have a goodnight rest:)


Oh my God!!! How-


Well, are you expecting someone else?

Was she flirting with me??

I definitely wasn’t expecting a beautiful woman to make my night by texting me:)

Oh God, why would I text that? Now she would think I’m weird…

Haha… you are different, I like that:))

What!!! What did she mean by that??

Anyway, I just wanted to really say thank you and hopefully we can do this again. You still owe me a game training>>

So, she wants to spend more time with me?


Of course, I also meant it when I said I really enjoyed y’all company. And yes, we can do it again, whenever you want. About the game training, make sure your console is ready:)

Yes ma’am. Anyway, goodnight Y/N:)

Night Gal:) Sleep well.

End of flashback

That woman would be the death of me.

I really couldn’t stop thinking about her and I knew it was dangerous. Not in a bad way though, but in the “she’s married and she doesn’t feel the same for me” kind of way.

But I wanted to know her, her everything; what makes her laugh the most, her icks, her favorite thing to do in the rain, her favorite movie. I just wanted to know everything, but I knew it couldn’t happen.

I sighed as I sat on the couch in the living room, just to have a lazy stay in the house, when my phone pinged from a notification. I knew it wasn’t Than because he had told me that his day was going to so hectic and-

Wait, what if it’s her?

The surge of excitement that I felt with the probability that she might be the one caused me to hurriedly check my phone. And yes, she was the one texting and I couldn’t be any happier.

Who do you think is better? Natasha or Wonder Woman?

Oh my-

She was probably with her friends and needed my opinion on something.

This is going to be hard.

What do I-

Y/N!! I know you have seen the message, so just answer.

What do I do right now??

I didn’t want to say something wrong.

You better not be thinking hard about this just to say what I’m thinking.

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