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I need Scar and Flo right now.

That was all I thought about as I was driving home. Wait, how did it happen? I haven’t known her for long and yet I developed something for her. I still don’t understand what it means or what could possibly happen. Oh God, what if she thinks I am crazy? Or stops hanging out with the kids? How would the kids feel about that? Alma just knew her and got comfortable with her, how is she going to react when she figures out what is going on? What of Jaron? Ever since his trip, I haven’t heard from him since and it’s almost three weeks since he left. I know the kids misses their father, but truth be told, I haven’t thought of him since he left. All my thoughts right now are filled with a certain young girl.

She is only 25 Gal. Damnit.

I was so confused because I didn’t know what exactly to do. That’s why I needed my close friends, I knew I could count on them on anything and since they were in New York, it would be so much easier.

What if they judge me? what if they think I am crazy? What if-

I thought so long and hard that I didn’t realize we had gotten to the hotel already. I sighed heavily before glancing at my kids. Maya and Daniella were both passed out at the backseat, they both had that happy smile on their faces due to how much fun they had today. I smiled a bit because of that before looking at the front seat and saw Alma, though still with her infamous bored look on her face, but she looked content and I still spotted a bit of a smile on her face. All these happened because of a girl who we haven’t even know for a month.

I tapped Alma who seemed to have zoned out a bit, just to let her know we have gotten to the hotel. I expected her irritated look when she looked at me but she held a soft look on her face which I have never seen before on her face. I almost cried because of how she looked at me with so much love in her eyes, it wasn’t too obvious but it was there. It has been so long since I last saw that look on her face.

I gave her a soft smile indicating where we were before she came down from the car.

She immediately went to the back and woke her sisters up as she helped and carried Dani up because the latter was too exhausted to wake up. I was too stunned to speak because this was the first time, she’s doing something like this. She was always the first to exit the car and left me to do everything on my own; I was never mad at her but there was still pain in my heart anytime she acted that way.

Now, she was doing this and I knew it was the effect Y/N had on her that caused her to do that.

This is going a lot more faster than I thought.

I gave the valet a weak smile as I gave him the car keys while I headed inside. I got into the elevator with the kids while I picked up my phone to text.

Are you guys free? I have a lot to talk about and I need someone to talk to.

I just finished my scene but I would be there in 20 mins.

Give me 10 mins tops:)

I smiled a bit when I saw those messages, silently thanking the universe for bring those women into my life.

We were although opposites a bit, but I knew they loved me so much and I loved them as well.

Scar was the loudest amongst us, she doesn’t hesitate to say her mind no matter how blunt it may sound while Flo was the balance. She’s a combination of both, loud and calm; she was the mother of our group but we also know not to get on her bad side because her anger is something we don’t like seeing. And then there was me, I am the quiet one; always keeping to myself, just say one or two things about a particular matter then letting it slide.

When I knew them, it took me a while to open up to them, but because of Scar’s brashness and Flo’s comforting aura, I did eventually and I haven’t regretted it since.

Soon enough, I heard the ping of the elevator indicating that we had gotten to our penthouse.

We got in and I took Maya to her room because she was finding it so hard to keep her eyes open. I took her to her room, freshened her up, helped her brush her teeth and changed her clothes before tucking her in.

I whispered a faint ‘goodnight’ to her thinking she had slept until I heard,

“Goodnight, mom. I love you.”

I felt my heart getting warm because of that, before I gave her a soft kiss on her forehead and left.

I decided to check on Alma and Dani just incase they are both alright. I got to Dani’s room and saw Dani already been tucked in, just as Alma was about to leave the room.

I gave her a soft smile immediately our eyes met before she closed the door. We looked at each other for a while because I didn’t know to say and I didn’t want to spoil her mood.

I was so deep in thought that I didn’t realize on time that another body was squished on mine. It took me seconds to figure out the familiar scent of strawberries, a scent that I have missed so much. I hugged her back as tightly as I could because in all honesty, I had missed my daughter a lot.

We kept hugging for a while; it seemed like she needed it as much as I did.

We both pulled back and she had a very content look on her face.

Damn, it had been so long since I saw that look on her face.

She gave me a soft smile and said,

“Thank you, mom. Goodnight.”

I was hurt a bit that she didn’t utter those three words, but I knew it was progress, so I gave her smile back and said ‘goodnight’ back to her.

I was already on my way to my room when I heard,

“Oh, mom…”

I turned back to her waiting for her to speak, before she said,

“And I love you so much.”

She had closed the door before I could react back to her or her words. To say I was shocked was an understatement; I didn’t know when tears started coming out from my eyes.

Happy new month:) please don't forget to vote and comment>>♡

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