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Later the award night…

It was still surreal that I had won tonight; I still found it hard to believe. Ethan screamed his lungs out when my name was called.


“And this year Best UEFA female football player goes to- Y/N Y/L/N!!!”  the announcer said.

“Yes!!!!! That’s my best friend right there!!!” he screamed.

“My very own bitch!!!!” he added.

When he said that, I really wanted the ground to swallow me; I felt so embarrassed. Although I was used to his blunt way of speaking, I wasn’t expecting him to say that right in front of a lot of famous and important football stars.

But still, I was so grateful that he came and was there for me. I had only him since I and my parents weren’t really in talking terms; and I didn’t really have a lot of friends, so I was forever appreciative to him being in my life.

Now we were back home and Ethan stayed over at my place because he wanted to celebrate with me, although I know he just wanted free alcohol and food; but I guess we can overlook that.

“Yo bestie, did you see anyone that piqued your interest tonight?” he asked as he was ordering some Chinese takeout.

I was surprised a bit that he asked that but I was kinda expecting the question since it’s being a long while I got into a relationship.

“No, I didn’t. Did you?” I asked him back.

“Well…not really but I saw someone that was cute and I was a bit interested in.” he said.

“But back to you, why didn’t you try finding someone; I mean there were cute girls around.” He added.

“Than…you know I’m not looking for anyone at the moment. I don’t think I’m ready for a relationship right now.” I answered back.

He gave me this oh spare me all of that  type of face before saying back,

“Y/N, it’s being close to two years since you got into any form of a serious relationship with someone.”

“And I still don’t understand why you decided to go celibate over these years. And don’t tell me the whole crap of not being ready for a relationship because you and I both know all of that is just story.” He finished.

“I’m not looking for anything right now, Than. You should already know that by now.”

“I just don’t think I’m looking for any form of commitment at the moment.” I added.

“You already said that. What I want to know is why. What exactly is stopping you from getting into a relationship with someone?”

“Because if I can remember, your last one wasn’t traumatic neither did it have any toxicity that it would probably be the reason you are taking a break. And let’s not forget that it was meant to be just a short break from romantic relationships for a while, not to be this long. So, there should be a reason for you to decide not to be committed to someone.” He said as he looked at me.

As he spoke, I decided to think about it and try to understand what exactly was wrong.

Ethan was right. Why wasn’t I in a relationship?

Was I afraid? And if I was, what was it that I was scared of? Commitment? Being vulnerable with someone asides Ethan?

I wasn’t in any traumatic or toxic relationship as Ethan said, so I can’t say that’s the reason I’m taking a break. So, what’s wrong?

“Honestly Than, I don’t know. Maybe I’m scared or something. I don’t have idea why I’m not with anyone at the moment; maybe I’m not worth it.” I said looking sad all of a sudden.

“Hey, hey, stop that already. Of course, you aren’t the problem neither are you not worth it. You are amazing, generous, loving, affectionate, goofy, kind, intelligent, the best female footballer in the world, a great soul and my wonderful best friend. Of course, you are worth it and even much more; if no one sees it, then their loss darling. Don’t worry, you would find someone who cherishes you and treats like a queen that you are, just as I do. The only difference is they would also be giving you some coochie time.” He added that last part with a wink.  

Oh c’mon, I should have known that Ethan can never be serious for too long.

“What the- Ethan!!!! Why would you say something like that?” I asked him scrunching my face a bit.

He laughed before answering me back,

“What!!? I said absolutely nothing wrong. I don’t know how you do it, but that’s really a long time without feeling someone’s touch on you. Jeezzz!!!!”

“Well, I have been busy. And you know football has really taken my time, so I barely have time for that. Besides, I’m perfectly okay the way I am.” I replied back.

“For someone whose sex drive is as high as the sky, you really have surprised me. Didn’t know you would last this long.”

“I just pity the person you are going to be with, because it’s going to be long one probably without any breaks. Just make sure I’m not home when all of that happens.” He said while laughing.

I was so speechless because despite that I wanted to kill him, he wasn’t wrong either.

I had missed the feeling of soft fingers going up and down my torso, the feeling of soft lips all around my body; the same lips on mine, kissing softly with passion but at the same time with love. Then, eyes staring back at me with lust and adoration swimming in the pupil of the eyes; the fingers then going towards-

“Y/N! Y/N!! Y/N!!!!” I heard Ethan calling me.

“Yeah...I’m so sorry, was lost in thoughts.” I said back.

“I thought as much. Hope you are okay though? I didn’t go too far right?” he asked concernedly.

That’s one thing I love about Ethan. No matter how playful he is, he always cared about my feelings; making sure he doesn’t overdo it or something.

“No Than, you didn’t actually. I’m fine.” I assured him.

He didn’t really look convinced but he eventually dropped it.

“So, now that you are here, what do you plan to do?” he asked.

“And since you rented this place, that means you want to have your vacation here.” He added.

“Well, I would explore here, get to know this place more, meet new people perhaps, eat new food, try new drinks and I don’t know.” I said as I giggled a bit.

“That actually seems fun. Really wish I was here with you to explore but this is your moment, so enjoy it before you start a new season.”

“And don’t forget your physiotherapy while you are doing all of the enjoyment.” He added.

I nodded when he said that, although I really wished he was going to be with me the whole time, but he had a lot of shows that he had to go for; from Milan to Prague then to Los Angeles, so he was so busy throughout the summer.

I just stared at him before saying,

“Thank you, Than. I love you so much.” I told him as I reached out to hug him.

“I love you, Orsetto (pookie bear).” he said as he gave me a very tight hug.   

Sorry for the late update. When would they meet?🤔😉 Don’t forget to like, comment and also follow. I would be following back anyone who does:)

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