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She hugged me. I hugged her. She hu-

That was all that was in my head as I drove through the streets home. I still couldn’t believe all that happened in the past few hours. When she hugged me, I felt I was going to pass out because of how warm the hug was; I just wanted to hold her and protect her from all the negativities of this world.

Oh, Ethan is really going to scream about this.

I soon drove into the driveway of my house and the smile I had on my face was so wide. I felt so much happiness in my chest but I still couldn’t fathom why.

Oh, shut up you sneaky bitch, it’s because of a certain brunette-haired married woman.

Really, did you have to remind me that she’s married?

I think you have-

Oh, please shut up.

I practically rolled my eyes to my thoughts. I know it was right, she was married but still, I felt something for her which I knew had gone beyond just a crush.

I sighed heavily as I got into the house. I needed to rest because I had physio appointment tomorrow and because of the driving I took today, I was feeling a slight pain on my knee. I knew I wasn’t cleared yet to drive, but well, the things I would do for that woman are uncountable.

I decided not to eat anything and just facetime Ethan.

I dialed his number hoping he was still awake due to time difference and probably stress. His line rang twice before I heard the beep that he had picked.

“Spill now!!” he literally screamed immediately he picked up.

“Damn Than, can you not be loud?” I asked him pretending to be pissed.

“Oh please, I know you prefer a certain somebody to be as loud as they want for you.” He sassily added.

This boy.

Although I wanted to be mad at him, I couldn’t stop the smile on my face when he said that.

“Now look who is blushing. Damn girl, you really have it all out for her y’know.” He said.

Oh, trust me, I definitely know.

So, I told him everything. From the time they arrived, her daughters, she herself; I told him literally everything. Despite how crazy and loud Ethan is, he listened without saying a word; he allowed me to fangirl, blush, get adorable all because I was talking about her. I even told him about her first daughter Alma, how closed off she was at first but then opened up a bit afterwards; and eventually the hugs we all had to share at the end of it all.

I stared back at him as soon as I finished talking, waiting for him to say something.

“Wow bestie, this is no longer just a crush as we thought. You really like this woman.” He said after few seconds of silence.

I sighed because I knew he was right. How no matter what she wears, she would still look gorgeous in my eyes, how when her beautiful dark brown eyes meets mine, I’m already feeling warm inside, getting all butterflies just from one look, how her face lights up whenever she gives a beautiful smile, how my heart felt when we hugged each other; she was a bit taller than I was but I still felt her heartbeat against mine, let’s not forget how badly I want to feel her luscious soft- looking lips against mine.

“I know you are crossing out in your head everything that shows how much you like her. But there’s one thing you are forgetting, in fact more than one.” He said.

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