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The smell of freshly cooked bacon and eggs was what woke up me. As I stood up, I starting wondering who was making breakfast this early because that has never happened in a very long time.

I checked my time on my phone and it read ‘10:35am’.

Oh well…

Wait what??!!!!

How did I wake up so late? The kids haven’t had something to eat and I had slept in almost the whole morning. I was full blown on panic mood, I had to rush over brushing my teeth and freshening up.

Although, I had woken up late, this was the first time I had slept so well in a long time and I knew just who was the reason behind it.

Wait Y/N!!!

Oh my- she would probably think so less of me.

I had almost forgotten that I invited her to stay back for breakfast and now I hadn’t even made anything.

Damnit Gal.

Just the perfect way to go.

I sighed heavily as I rushed down the small flight of steps, to get to the kitchen. The kids weren’t all particular about the hotel food, so we most times made our food expect on rare occasions.

I got closer to the kitchen and I was hearing voices, more of giggles and talking.

Was their father back?

I knew it wasn’t Jaron because not that the kids hated their father, they just didn’t have the bond with him. I made a mental note to text him later maybe after breakfast, but first I needed to know what was making my kids so happy this morning.

I entered the kitchen and it was Dani who saw me first. She smiled really big before running to meet me.

“Mummy!!! You are awake already.” She said excitedly.

Her excitement soon made the others know about my presence and soon, I was hugging my two younger daughters.

“Mummy!! You slept for so long but Y/N told us not to disturb you.” Maya said.

I smiled when she said that as I raised my head to see Alma and Y/N both staring at me, with both smiles on their faces.

Alma came to give me a small hug, before she whispered to me,

“Y/N said you kinda had a long night. Are you okay, mum?”

I hugged her tightly then I answered her back,

“Of course, sweetheart. I just had overwhelming emotions.”

She hugged me tightly back as if she understood what I meant by what I said.

I then heard her say softly,

“I love you, mum. Don’t ever forget that.”

I almost cried when she said that, but I held it in and said back to her,

“And I love you so much sweetheart.”

She pulled back and gave me a wide smile that showed her teeth and made her eyes sparkle.

It has been so long I saw her smile like that.

I loved my daughters so very much.

I then turned my attention to the woman of the hour, and my oh my, she looked so gorgeous.

How does she look so effortlessly beautiful without doing anything especially in the morning?

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