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A Year Later

Lilyanna Targaryen reincarnated 21st century woman, had found it a little discomforting just how quickly time was passing in the Red Keep.

Now, Lilyanna found herself squished together with her siblings, brother-in-law and nephew in a carriage that was on its way to the Dragonpit.

This 'family excursion' came to be because Aegon had asked their father to come with him to the Dragonpit and see how Sunfyre was progressing.

Of course, the ill King refused, it was not surprising given how Viserys had not been to the pit since his own dragon died and had refused every other invitation from his son. Viserys had told Aegon that he had pressing matters to attend to.

This time, he actually did.

Grand Maester Mellos had told the King that the infection that had started on his hand, which led to Viserys having most of his fingers cut off years prior, had traveled up his left arm and that the arm would need to be amputated.

Viserys' arm had been nothing but a rotting piece of flesh that he had started to lose feeling in for the past few moons. It had gotten to where you could smell the Targaryen monarch approaching long before you saw him, the procedure to amputate Viserys' arm had been scheduled for that very day.

Alicent, playing the role of the dutiful wife, had elected to stay with Viserys while the amputation was occurring. And Rhaenyra had decided to take her family on a trip to the Dragonpit, telling Aegon that she had wanted to see Sunfyre. In truth, she did not want her young siblings and son to be anywhere near the Keep as the surgery was happening.

To be fair, Lilyanna did not want to be near the Keep either. Her inner doctor revolted when she saw some of the tools the measters would be using to cut off her father's arm.

Then after they're finished hacking off Viserys' arm, they'll drown him with milk of the poppy, which I'm pretty sure is this world's equivalent of opium. Lilyanna thought.

Before Lilyanna could think more of Viserys and his illness, the carriage had come to a stop. The second the door had opened, Aegon and Aemond had jumped out, pushing past Ser Harwin, and running to the entrance of the pit.

The rest of the group had exited the carriage more calmly than the two princes. Once they had entered the massive building, the dragonkeepers soon brought out Sunfyre.

"Greetings, Your Grace. We have brought out Sunfyre per your request." One of the elders said to Rhaenyra in High Valyrian.

Back when this world had been nothing but fiction to her, Lilyanna had been fascinated by the dragonkeepers. They were a monk-like order tasked with guarding and taking care of House Targaryen's dragons.

She could understand why Jaehaerys created the group, especially after what happened to Aerea Targaryen. But she could not imagine giving and changing her entire life to this cause like the dragonkeepers did.

Looks like dragon lovers exist in this world too. I guess if you can't be a dragonrider, then being a keeper would be the closest thing to it.

The dragonkeepers before her appeared both how they did in the show and how they did in the books. The ones in the actual pit with the royal family were dressed in plain, humble garments and wielded quarterstaffs. The rest of the seventy-seven dragonkeepers wore shining black armor, helms crested with dragon scales, and instead of quarterstaffs, they wielded swords.

Rhaenyra nodded her head to the older man before facing Aegon. "You were right, valonqar, Sunfyre has become bigger. I am sure it will only be a matter of time before he is as big as Syrax."

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