Unexpected Events and News

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Two Years Later

Bold- High Valyrian

Italicized- Emphasis/Dreams

"Slow down, Helaena! Geez, what's going on with you? You've never been this adamant about going to the Dragonpit before." Lilyanna exclaimed as she watched her twin jump out of the carriage, quickly walking to the entrance of the pit.

This morning as the family broke their fast, Helaena had asked Rhaenyra to take her to the Dragonpit after they were done eating.

A strange request in it of itself because neither her nor Lilyanna actively sought out the pit the same way their brothers and nephews did, but would go whenever one of them asked. The stranger part was how excited Helaena was to go, eating her food as quickly as she could while still maintaining her table manners and impatiently playing with her fingers, waiting for the rest of her family to finish.

During the carriage ride to Rhaenys' Hill, Lilyanna stared at her twin, trying to figure out why her sister needed to go to the Dragonpit so badly.

No one else shared this sentiment as the boys had been just as excited to see their dragons again, along with Aemond who was hoping to ask the dragonkeepers more questions about the creatures for when he eventually claimed one. Rhaenyra and Laenor had just chalked up Helaena's behavior to any normal Targaryen's interest in dragons.

Helaena's quest was soon forgotten by the others as the boys focused on their dragons, Lilyanna noted that Arrax had gotten bigger since she last saw him as she watched the dragon nuzzle its snout against Lucerys' arms.

Despite her desperation to get there, Helaena had calmed down and was standing still next to Lilyanna, her eyes hazy was they watched their family and their dragons.

"Okay, seriously, what's going on with you? Was watching everyone else why you wanted to come here so badly." Lilyanna asked, still confused by the sudden change in her sister's behavior.

Helaena looked at her sister for a few seconds before staring at the ground. Lilyanna had to take a few breaths, calming herself down as she grew increasingly frustrated with Helaena ignoring her. Close to an hour had passed when Helaena suddenly stood straight as a rod, her eyes widened, and a large grin appeared on her face. It was then that she ran off, moving past the dragonkeepers and entering the lower levels of the pit.

"Helaena!" Lilyanna yelled, immediately taking off after her.

Lilyanna ignored the shouts of Rhaenyra and Laenor as she followed Helaena, the redhead was surprised at how fast Helaena was running, knowing about her aversion to physical activity.

It was a good thing that they had come to the pit plenty of times before otherwise they would have easily gotten lost in the many cavernous tunnels.

It was then that Helaena ran into the cave of the she-dragon Dreamfyre, causing Lilyanna to stop at the entrance, realizing why her sister had been acting so strange.

It's today, she's claiming Dreamfyre today. Did she see this in her dreams, is that why she was so excited to come? Lilyanna thought as she watched her twin approach the dragon.

It would make sense as Helaena was not as interested in dragons as the rest of their family, she like them, but she was not as crazy about them as someone like Aemond.

Helaena was still smiling as she walked, even when the she-dragon's head snapped upwards and to the side, her large blue eyes peering down at the girl.

Unlike other dragons, Dreamfyre did not growl or hiss as Helaena approached her, nor did she release flames from her terrifying jaws, the dragon continued to stare at the girl, unnervingly still.

The Crimson Dragon |ASOIAF|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang