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Hi, so this will include blood,agenst, and a weapon. Viewers, you have been worn also. This is in season 2-Jes

Bryan pov:
It's been an awful month at camp so far the others think I'm lieing about the Seductive rose controlling me the stress has been getting to me the hurtful I did do something to punish myself I stopped flying but...

That's not enough so...I'm planning on stealing a weapon from the Arena to..


It's the only way to properly do it, like the other said, "It was my fault" or. "If you took this Sword It's your fault you took it." Maybe there's right, so it's made sense to do the plan. take action tonight, and it will be worth it. Right?

Xylo pov:
It was nighttime here at camp, but the
atmosphere right now seems off. I don't know why, though.

Maybe I'm still a bit off from last year. Yeah, that has to be it.

But just then, kayla came in panicked,"what's wrong?" I asked she then stopped catching her breath and said,"A WEAPON HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM THE ARENA!" She said

I then stared to think who could of done it,"it was bryan!I still don't know which one though all I could see was it was SUPER sharp and not a regular knife no thats all I could tell."She continued.

What is he planning? I thought,"I just need to tell you I'm off to tell mario now."She said, then walked off.

I'll investigate tomorrow morning. I thought then headed to my cabin to go to sleep.

Bryan pov:
*a bit before xylo got the info*
Okay, it's time I thought as I got ready to get the weapon as I was in there. I had to decide what weapon to pick.

I got the bandages for after and an over sized top so no one will suspect a thing.

I found the perfect weapon to use to cut off my wings it looked similar to Sword but small but not a knife, a dagger that's the right time to do the job.

As I was walking I thought I saw kayla
maybe she was walking by I mean she is the camp counselor well not for me I guess.

*at his cabin*
It was time I got my weapon,bandages
,oversized top,and a trash bag so let's do this.

*Warning Heavy Gore*

Narrator pov:
Bryan began to cut his wigs of but just as expected he cuts he's back too by accident but all he cared about was for his wings to be gone.

It was a BLOODY mess and he cut his wings it doesn't matter there be gone anyway so what's the point.

Blood was almost everywhere, but bryan didn't care he did what he wanted to do he cleaned up and bandaged himself up

then put his wings and dagger in a garbage bag but didn't see that one of his wings was poking out and dripping Blood out side.

He put his shirt on and went to bed.

Kayla pov:
I was walking out side the next and saw a bloody garbage bag in front of the cabin bryans in.

So I carefully took it to mario and Xylo for us to check out.

Mario pov:

Me and Xylo were talking when kayla walked in with a bloody garbage bag with feathers poking out so I asked,"what's that?" As I waited for a
answer,"well I don't know I found it outside of Bryan's cabin maybe he STILL hasn't changed."

I was shocked so did bryan kill someone again from the feathers it could be his sister,but he wouldn't go that far.right?

As we opened the bag we found to wings with a bit missing at the point were it connects to the back,a dagger the same one kayla said looks like bryan took,and a pool of blood.

So we sent xylo to check bryans cabin.

Xylo pov:
I was sent to check on bryan.when u got there it smells like someone used something to clean the some sent thing to cover up the smell so I went to see why it is like this.

I went in and saw a note well maybe not a self note to remind you of something,it said

" it's time to get a weapon from the Arena to cut my wings off I got everything else bandages,oversized top,garbage bag,cleaning supplies,and
Some candles to rid the smell of chemicals well next time they see me ill look different but they won't see it."

I was shocked he cut his wings off I need to show the others I thought as I ran off with the note.

After I showed them they were shocked to we decided to check on him to night.

Bryan pov:
I was getting ready for bed I got some more oversized tops cover what I did and 2.they were comfortable.

I was just about to step into bed when the door opened and I saw mario,kayla, and xylo standing there with my note that had my plan well old it was done in xylo's hand.

Nononono they can't know now my plan was perfect how did it go wrong how just then I heard,"Bryan, what is this?" Xylo said to me I began to stress
,"um-m well you see I w-" was cut off by kayla,"What this?"she said looking at the stuff I used to clean it after I cut 99% of my wings off.

There was little bit left but still,"um I cut my arm and cleaned it with this hehe." I said nervous what why do they care now maybe they thought I killed someone yeah they wouldn't really, right?

Mario then said,"Bryan how stupid are you.WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" He shouted I guess there's no point in hiding it,"I wanted to punish myself like some said I deserved and it fells like."I said they then yelled how stupid that was and then we talked about what's been going on....

And now are friend ships are repaired
And now I got overprotective friends great oh well at less I have repaired my friend ships.

Hope you liked it guys I wrote this before bed okay like 4 hours it took-Jes

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