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them as lana del rey songs:)

THEODORE NOTT: white mustang

in school, you never noticed theodore nott. you were in a different house and different grade and just heard about him from here and then. girls loved him, meaning that everybody was always fantasizing about him.

the summer came, and on vacation, you saw him at the beach and immediately fell for him with his ocean eyes and a mysterious aura surrounding him. you flirted, laughed, and had some really great deep conversations. after you guys had sex for the first time, you never wanted to leave him again. however, you never asked him for his name or number, even though you liked him a lot.

when the summer ended without you seeing him again, you were quite sad, but only more surprised and shocked when you saw him in school a few days after school started.

you asked your friends who he was, and when they saw who you were looking at, they told you that he is theodore nott. you never knew that the guy you met over summer was the theodore nott. he just told you that his name was theo. they also said that he's not good for you since he is such a player, but you didn't care. you only wanted to speak to him again.

one day you got together all your courage and went up to him. the beautiful boy immediately realized that you were the girl from summer. you guys fell in love deeply, so deeply that you ignored all of his red flags. everytime he would go out and get drunk, he would kiss and fuck other girls, and you would always ask yourself; why am i staying?

but every time he would show affection or be romantic, you would forgive everything and thought that you could fix him or that he would change. however, it always turned out to be wrong.

MATTHEO RIDDLE: black beauty

your and mattheo's relationship has always been complicated. while you were a sunshine, a girl who tried to view the world positively and wanted to be happy, he saw everything black and deep down, was very miserable.

you loved him with your whole heart, but no matter how hard you tried, he would never get out of his circle of sadness. he would never see how beautiful life is. after so many years of trying, you simply gave up and started seeing the world in a darker shade too.
you started changing completely, just to match his vibe; you dyed your hair a darker shade, painted your nails and your house black.

but no matter how much you changed, he still wasn't happy. too much shit had happened in his life, especially when it came to his family, and it felt like mattheo could never be happy again. you slowly started to feel this way too.

TOM RIDDLE: happiness is a butterfly

you didn't understand tom. he was a mystery to you. one day, he claimed that he loved and needed you, but on the other day, he would say that you don't matter to him. but no matter how much he hurt you, you couldn't leave him. you didn't understand if he wanted you or not.

everyone always told you to leave him as soon as possible because he's such a bad guy, but you just couldn't resist. you were already so hurt by him that you couldn't see why you should leave him. pain felt normal for you. and no matter how many people told you to stop seeing him, you didn't listen. you were so in love with him, and for you, it felt like he was misunderstood.

you couldn't shake off the allure of tom, despite the pain he repeatedly inflicted upon your fragile heart. each time you would try to move on, he would be sweet and caring all out of sudden and you would stay. despite your friends' warnings and your own inner turmoil, you found yourself crawling back to tom, unable to resist the pull of his toxic love.

BLAISE ZABINI: young and beautiful

in the golden haze of summer, you found yourself entwined in the warmth of blaise's company. every day seemed like an endless adventure, filled with laughter, shared secrets, and lots of kisses. you fell in love with him and wanted him forever in your life.

yet, beneath the radiant surface of your summer romance, you harbored a silent fear. you watched as the hot summer days slipped by like grains of sand through an hourglass, each moment a reminder of the inevitable passage of time. you loved the blissful present but couldn't shake off the shadow of an uncertain future.

as the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a soft glow over your shared world, you found herself whispering your fears to blaise. you confessed your insecurities, the nagging doubt that one day, he would grow tired of you, that your youth and beauty would fade like the colors of autumn.

as he listened with a tender understanding, his gaze unwavering as he took your hand in his. he spoke of a connection that ran deeper than appearances and promised to cherish you not for the outward radiance you possessed but for the essence of your being, for the laughter in your eyes and the kindness in your heart.

together, you watched the stars emerge in the velvet sky, your fingers intertwined as he whispered into your ear that he would never leave you. and in that timeless embrace, you found solace, knowing that in blaise's eyes, you would always be young and beautiful, for your love knew no bounds.


your life was everything but ordinary. you lived a life of rebellion and excess. you had a very carefree lifestyle, filled with parties, drugs and dangerous encounters with man.

the whole school thought you were the most charming girl, who didn't have any problems. girls, boys, they all loved and admired you with your cartoon eyes. however, inside you felt completely different. you didn't like the way you were and were tired of the lifestyle you were living. you didn't want to rely on the kindness of strangers anymore, you didn't want to only be seen for your beauty, and you didn't want to be the center of attention all the god damn time.

on one party, you met a man called draco cause a friend introduced the two of you. you have been with many other men before, but you felt different about him. with his almost white hair and the beautiful blue eyes, you couldn't help but find him completely handsome. like everyone else, he fell for you too.

however, your rebellious nature often led you down to dangerous paths and draco couldn't help but worry about your safety, but somehow was still drawn to your wild spirit, your beauty and the way you made him feel alive.

after some time, the two of you started dating. your relationship was a rollercoaster of highs and lows, filled with passion, desire but also with drama and lots of fights.

LORENZO BERKSHIRE: cinnamon girl

enzo was the embodiment of laid-back charm, with his tousled hair and a smile that could light up every room. you fell for him quickly and you guys started dating. however, the abusive relationships you went through in the past couldn't escape you.

but your relationship with enzo wasn't just good, it was also intense and could be toxic. you begged him to do caring actions like holding you in his arms without hurting you, because no one ever did before. and whenever he would push you away, you would find your way back in.

in enzo, you finally found someone who could hold you without hurting you, making him the first person to ever do so. you knew that enzo is a good person and cares for you a lot, unlike all the boyfriends you had before, but is sometimes struggling.

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