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pov: them proposing to you 🥹 (very cute)

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you and theo had spend a beautiful day here in italy together. you went out for brunch, then had a nice walk by the beach, and now you spend some time on his families yacht.

he looked impeccably handsome in his tailored suit, and as he told you this morning to dress up nicely, you wore a stunning summer dress. the salty breeze carried the scent of the sea mingled with the fragrant blooms from the nearby coast, heightening the magical ambiance of the moment. as you stood there, overlooking the stunning amalfi coastline, you couldn't help but marvel at the sheer beauty of it all.

theodore's warm hand found yours, his touch sending a flutter through your heart. his deep, penetrating gaze met yours, filled with an intensity that spoke volumes of his emotions.

"my love," he began, his voice low and melodious, "these past few days with you here in italy have been absolutely beautiful. they made me realize even more why i love you and why you are ny greatest blessing in life."

your breath caught in your throat as anticipation built within you.

theo dropped to one knee, his eyes never leaving yours, and produced a small velvet box from his pocket. with trembling fingers, he opened it to reveal a stunning ring, its diamond catching the sunlight and casting shimmering reflections all around you.

"y/n, from the moment i met you, i knew you were the one for me," theo declared, his voice laced with emotion. "you've brought light and joy into my life in ways i never thought possible. You're my partner, my confidante, my everything. And so, i ask you, here and now, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

tears of joy welled up in your eyes as you gazed down at your boyfriend, your heart overflowing with love and emotion. the world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in our own little bubble of bliss. you knew with unwavering certainty that you  wanted to spend the rest of your life by his side.

"yes, theo," you whispered, your voice barely above a breath as you reached out to cup his face in your hands. "yes, a thousand times yes."

a radiant smile broke across his face as he slipped the ring onto your finger, sealing your promise with a tender kiss. the sun dipped lower on the horizon, painting the sky in hues of gold and pink, as if nature itself was celebrating your love.


the soft glow of the parisian evening enveloped you guys as mattheo and you strolled hand in hand along the cobblestone streets of paris. you had dreamed of visiting paris together for years, and now, here you were, immersed in the beautiful city. mattheo gifted you the trip on valentine's day because he knew that it has always been one of your biggest dream.

as you approached the seine river, mattheo paused and turned to face you, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. you give him a huge smile, so happy that you could experience this wonderful trip with him. "there's something i've been meaning to ask you," he began, his voice tinged with nervousness.

you continued to smile, feeling your heart swell with affection for this man who had become your everything. "what is it?" you asked, your curiosity piqued.

mattheo took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering as he spoke. "ever since the day we met, my life has been filled with an indescribable joy — a joy that i never knew was possible until you came into my life. you've brought light into the darkness of my past, and every moment with you has been a gift."

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