chapter 3

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"good morning taehyung", the same voice called the person sitting on the regular chair besides window giving a view of lush green garden with flowers and butterflies indicating that harsh winters have passed and now warm spring awaits .

" how are you ", she again asked the same question she has been asking him from 11 months .

" good ", same answer came from taehyung that he has been answering since one year

" will you like to talk about jungkook ", she asked a new question new question this time

Taehyung diverted his gaze from the garden to her , a soft smile spread across  his cheeks .

"So is he your friend ?, relative ?, boyfriend? ",She asked carefully not to agitate him .

He chuckled sadly ,looking at the garden again ",above all that "

" he was above all these tags and names".

"He was my love, not in the way lovers love, but in the way the sun is to the moon—forever yearning, basking in borrowed light."

"A love you  feel, yet never hold—an agonizing yearning forever out of reach." Taehyung said barely above whisper smiling sadly .

The doctor's heart clenched listening to it but she couldn't let herself go vulnerable in front of taehyung

" He liked pastries and candies , may be that's why he was so sweet , spreading happiness everywhere "

" He liked spring air , may be that's why his smile felt like springs air "

"He liked flowers , may be that's why his mere presence sparkled joy .

"Now that he is  gone "

"No pastries taste sweet to me

"No air feels warm to me

" no flowers look joyous to me "

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